YWAM Ireland
Representing YWAMers in Ireland, NI & RoI: An Cuan (YWAM Rostrevor), YWAM Dublin, Voice of Peace, Kerygma Teams Ireland & Family Life Resources.
Check us out at http://ywamireland.org
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facebook.comMercy Ships | Volunteer Surgeon Cycles For Surgical Care in Africa
Tomorrow night at Harbour will be truly fascinating and inspiring. Dr Tertius Venter will be speaking. He is a South African plastics reconstructive surgeon who volunteers with Mercy Ships. Mercy Ships is a charity, originally part of YWAM but now a separate charity, that has operated hospital ships in many parts of the world. In those countries most of the population would never have access to the kind of surgical and dental expertise that they can access on the Mercy Ship. Come and join us in Rostrevor from 7pm for coffee and we will start at 7.30pm. https://www.mercyships.org/blog/volunteer-surgeon-cycles-for-surgical-care-in-africa/
YWAM Ireland
Tune in live if you want.
Join us for Harbour tonight. Live from YWAM Rostrevor with our very own Jonny Clark!
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Open Mic night tomorrow from 7.30 at An Cuan.
YWAM Ireland
YWAM Ireland newsletter http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=2938d57dda0c2bb7fce3d932c&id=d3cf8d6d65
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Introducing 'Arts and Media DTS 2017' New start dates : 23rd Jan, 2017 Receiving applications now. #useyourcreativityforgod YWAM Rostrevor
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Ramy Taleb from Lebanon sharing stories of how forgiveness can deeply impact the lives of Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Photos from YWAM Ireland's post
So good to be at the Benedictine monastery in Rostrevor yesterday during our Faith and Conflict gathering. Br Thierry started off by saying "Reconciliation begins in the heart." Then he talked of Charles Dickens describing a woman who would give money to little children in Africa. Dickens called it telescopic charity, people who want to help people far away but they don't want to know about the issues facing people nearby. That is a profound challenge to all of us. Are we willing to show love, grace and acceptance to those right in front of us.
Photos from YWAM Ireland's post
Harbour tonight was special. Among other songs Richard led us in a Hindi song from India and Ramy from Lebanon spoke movingly about a Iove that can change the world.
Ramy from Lebanon is here with us tonight at Harbour! Tune in for worship and a word!
Tonight Ramy Taleb from Lebanon is speaking. Most weeks he is teaching Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian refugees about forgiveness. We are blessed to have him here. Come and join us at An Cuan for coffee from 7, and worship from 7.30.