Mikaku is known for its expert selection and preparation of premium beef teppanyaki. Mikaku, the legendary teppanyaki from Gion, Kyoto, is now here in Thailand. Mikaku’s premium grade Kobe beef and the owner-chef Mita family’s cooking signature is definitely a must-try for worldwide visitors.
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To grill a #beef at Mikaku Thailand, we have a secret to make it more #delicious than others. The secret is we use pure fat of premium cattle from #Kobe instead of normal oil so that we get a nice smell and full flavoured grille beef.
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Normally, #Kobebeef A4-A5 grade is renowned for the flavour and tenderness because of its so well marbled texture. More than that if it's sliced and cooked in a correct way the meat will be more soft and give a feeling as it can be melted in a mouth.
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Whenever you like to eat Foie Gras, come to Mikaku Thailand where the most delicious Foie Gras is provided to serve you.
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Here comes the proper portion #lunchset "Kobe Beef Omu Hayashi Set", a soft egg roll topping with Kobe Beef in special sauce. We guarantee the delicious!
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We pay our attention in every detail while cooking so all sauces to use for each dish will be freshly made separately by our chef. Surely that our customers will be served a fresh taste at Mikaku Thailand.
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Hungry? The best #Kobebeef is ready to serve you at Mikaku Thailand. For reservation please call 02-712-9080.
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Because of every single ingredient is important so we have to select them all with highest attention. That's why Mikaku Thailand can provide the best taste of each dish to serve you.
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We do not serve only beef but also serve the best #seafood including #Kingcrab, big #Scallop and fresh #Maguro.
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Roast beef, the special appetizer of Mikaku Thailand from a supreme grade of smoked #beef.
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For the one who love #Beef #Burger, we would like to recommend you another lunch set "Kobe Beef Hamburger". We grilled the Kobe Beef Burger in #Mikaku style to serve with rice and kinds of appetizer.
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Fresh best #Kobebeef is available to serve everyone at Mikaku Thailand.
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If you want to try the Mikaku's various kinds of food, we like to recommend our new combination set "Mikaku Dinner Course". It's including King Crab, Scallop, Tenderloin Steak 120g. and Foie gras 60g. For the appetizer, Sakura Sakana Sashimi and Roasted Beef Salad. More than that we also serve a glass of Red Wine, a glass of White Wine and a glass of Rose Wine in this menu.