茶米屋 David's House
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茶米屋日誌 - 與在師大學習來自荷蘭的交換學生共度著美好時光! Such a great time with exchange students in NTNU from Netherlands. #Alishan #Xiding #davidshouse #guesthouse #nertherlands #student
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茶米屋日誌 - 收到飄洋過海的肉骨茶包 收到上個月入住的房客從新加玻寄來的正宗肉骨茶包,有點捨不得吃吶!旅程中,除了美景之外,美食的交流也是旅程最棒的一件事!謝謝你們!是說,有人知道怎麼煮最好吃嗎? Received Bak Kut from Singapore guests, bear to eat it! Thank you so much. Except beautiful scenery, exchange different food from different countries is the one of the best things ever. Does anyone know to cook it in the right way? #Alishan #xiding #eryanping #davidshouse #guesthouse #singapore #bakkut #阿里山 #隙頂 #民宿 #茶米屋 #新加玻 #肉骨茶
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茶米屋日誌 - 漫步『雲』端 怎麼好像是茶類廣告的形象照啊?(笑) 先謝謝昨天來自新加坡旅客的拍攝唷! 小編看著照片上的美麗雲海與些許雲瀑交疊的景致,加上一旁綠油油的茶園,心想大飽眼福也不過如此了。(繼續神遊) A walk in the cloud! At Xiding Eryanping Trail. Thanks our guests from Singapore to share this photo, such a beautiful place to enjoy cloud sea and tea field scenery!! #Alishan #Xiding #Eryanping #cloudsea #teafield #scenery #davidshouse #guesthouse
茶米屋 David's House's cover photo
茶米屋 David's House
Photos from 茶米屋 David's House's post
茶米屋日誌 - 新成員熊大來報到! New member joined! LINE Friends - Brown! #Line #Brown #davidshouse #Alishan #bnb #guesthouse #Taiwan
茶米屋日誌—太陽公公起床了。 Sunrising from David's house #davidshouse #Alishan #bnb #茶米屋 #隙頂 #Xiding