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First Hi-Tec Enterprise Co. Ltd.

桃園縣桃園市龜山工業區興邦路43巷3號, Taoyüanli, Taiwan
Small business



(Chinese) (English) 高技企業自1988年創立迄今,專注於印刷電路板本業,歷經製程與技術不斷推陳出新及持續改善,致力於提供厚銅板,盲埋孔板,高層板(6~30層),散熱鋁基板等小到大量產品,廣泛應用在網通/電源供應器/自動控制/工業電腦/醫療/汽車等各產業要求,提供符合IPC國際規範要求Class II與 III之各類高品質,高信賴度產品。
在劇變的大環境下,為強化經營體質,進而提昇競爭能力,發展中長期計劃持續投入人力、物力與財力,引進精密生產設備、持續不斷製程改善及新技術研發,陸續通過ISO9001:2008/ISO14001:2004/OHSAS 18001:2007 及ISO/TS16949- Third edition等認證。2000年6月順利上櫃掛牌(5439),使得公司的營運發展更加穩健,同時也更增添一份社會責任。

First Hi-tec was established in 1988, one of the leading rigid printed circuit board manufacturers in Asia in technologies and diversity of products.
     In pursuit of continuous upgrade in technologies to meet or exceed market demands, we are totally committed to investing new equipments, expense for R&D, innovation, acceptance for new challenges, more automation and people training. Our excellent teamwork and management skill allow us to keep steady & healthy growth since founding of the company even in period of world wide recession or through the time of Asian financial storm. Our good human resource planning has created a good environment to keep a very stable manpower, a very strong desire from our employees for dedication to their assignment. These are few among various reasons to keep us competitive in the marketplace.


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