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Global Tea Hut

No. 16, Yu Ching St., Lane 94, Miaoli, Taiwan
Non-profit organization



Much more than a monthly magazine on Cha Dao—the Hut is a growing community of tea lovers in 30+ countries, connected through the spirit of the Leaf.  Tea & Tao Magazine

Global Tea Hut is a full-color magazine, featuring in-depth articles on tea wisdom, tea science, tea processing, tea brewing, tea history and Cha Dao. It's produced entirely by volunteers. It's completely free from advertisers and endorsements. And it's filled with a love for Tea that far surpasses what you'll see in any other magazine!

Sustainable Tea

A central part of our mission is to promote sustainable tea around the world. Each month, we mail out sustainably grown teas that were produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other agro-chemicals. Several times a year, we feature teas that were harvested from wild or old-growth tea trees.

Gifts with Love

The Global Tea Hut envelopes we mail around the world are made even more special by gifts from tea lovers to tea lovers. They're different every month, and each month's gift is a surprise. Some of the gifts are made by members themselves, furthering our connection to each other through this global community!

Global Community

Tea has an incredible ability to connect people, and that ability is clearly seen in the Global Tea Hut community. Global Tea Hut is a growing global community of tea drinkers who connect via monthly subscriber profiles in the magazine, our Facebook page and web forum, visits to our tea center in Taiwan and local community groups all over the world. In addition to being central to our thriving tea center in Taiwan, Global Tea Hut plays roles in tea communities in over 30 countries around the world. There are regular Global Tea Hut events held in Los Angeles, Moscow, Barcelona, Estonia, Australia, France and elsewhere. And these aren't just meet-up groups for people to chat about tea; they're communities where people find tea sisters and brothers to last a lifetime, laugh until their bellies hurt, bond over the shared experience of deep tea sessions, and (of course) drink awesome tea.

When you subscribe to Global Tea Hut, you aren't just getting a cool envelope each month and connecting to local tea communities. You're also supporting a volunteer-run tea center in Taiwan, where guests from around the world can visit and learn about tea free of charge.

For more information, visit the Tea Sage Hut website:


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Sorry for those that tried the survey... Here is the direct link We would LOVE your feedback - Please fill out our survey

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Master Huang making traditional Cliff Tea on our last Global Tea Hut trip to Wuyi. This year's trip will be happening in May again! We will announce the details soon. Different location, different focus. You must have been a Global Tea Hut member for all of 2015 and half the places will go to people who have not been before. Watch this space!

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CALLING ALL GLOBAL TEA HUT MEMBERS!!!! We would LOVE your feedback - Please fill out our survey

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A List Of A Few Of The Best Websites Dedicated To Tea | Tea Time

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Another of this month's videos! This time on Zen and Flowers.

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Thank you all for the emails regarding the earthquake and our safety. Everything in Miao Li is fine and there was no damage.

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Ever thought about travelling overseas to learn about Cha Dao? Come visit us at the Tea Sage Hut. We have daily tea classes, meditation and healthy vegetarian food. We have weekly trips to get spring water for tea, dharma talks and movie nights! Every month we visit and serve tea at an organic market and send out Global Tea Hut to all our members. We help guests find organic and living tea and the right teaware. As well as loads of other things like visiting tea farms, outdoor tea, hot spring visits and much more. Have a look at our introduction video!

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Third Bowl: Humility and Gratitude; Study, Contemplation and Prayer All liturgies are in truth consummation and proclamation of a state of being—making the invisible become visible on the physical level. We make altars to our own inner truths. Bowing to the Buddha, I bow to awakening and stillness in me. I learn humility before the Divinity in me, and then begin to learn from the wisdom of those people, places and things which surround me. Daily prayer and contemplation compliment my meditation and tea, as does academic study of inspirations of masters past and present—for in their words I find the maps to my truths, as well as the words and ways I’ll need in order to articulate my experience, strength and hope to others. In study, we do not seek to ape the ways of any saint, sage or seer, but rather to find inspiration and guidance in our quest to know ourselves. In prayer, we do not seek to petition the Divine with our desires, but to recognize outwardly our ownmost truths. We seek to create a sacred space in our life that is always there to remind us of our true face. Surrounded by flowers, fruit, incense, tea and light we remember and make ceremony of the fact that we are Mother Earth, we are suffering and forgiveness, we are Buddha-nature. Proper prayer is for forgiveness, or out of gratitude for the endless blessings each and every one of us is showered with daily; prayer is for loving-kindness and the sharing of our merits as we follow this spiritual path; and prayer is to ask the Divine, or our higher self, for knowledge of the Divine will and the power to carry it out. We ask that the Divine will, not our own, unfold in our inner connection to the Dao. And having seen this path, we ask for the acceptance and courage to walk it. Tea is prepared with mastery only when it prepares itself. As in life, we must step out of the way and let the current flow through us—the way the tea flows through the pot and cups.

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Ever wondered how to properly hold an Yixing teapot? Well now there is a video to help you out!

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Know someone with a birthday this month! Looking for the perfect gift? Did you know you can buy a three month subscription to Global Tea Hut? Thats three months worth of Tea, gifts and magazines! Or get them a whole years subscription... Follow the link and scroll to the bottom of the page!

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For nine years Bodhidharma gazed at a cave wall, deep in meditation. Seven years in he fell asleep. In anger he ripped his eyelids off. According to the legend, as they hit the floor the first tea plants sprang up, and thereafter tea would provide a stimulant to help keep students of Zen awake during zazen.

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Second Bowl: Mastered mind; Meditation Without mastery of the mind we shall never walk upright, no matter how wonderful our intentions. The mind is a strong and powerful elephant, able to serve or destroy the city equally. For that reason, our centers and schools will always be places of meditation, just as a life of tea in this tradition will include morning and evening meditation sessions, framing each day in peace and centeredness. Also, periodic retreats of longer duration should be held in the life of a tea wayfarer. Just as we need to plunge the dipper into the healing waters of silence every day, we also need a deeper draught now and again to balance periods of activity with stillness, doing with being. Our minds are turbid waters, and only quiet stillness can bring the clarity we seek in a life of tea. Connection between the kettle, pot and cups is completed in their emptiness, which they all share. The emptiness in the vessel is what makes it useful, connecting it to the other vessels. Like that, all great tea comes out of the meditative mind.

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