English Language school. TOEIC
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facebook.com恭喜兒美班 陳思維,林玟萱,黃詩淇,丁婉鈞 同學參加12/31日財團法人LTTC 舉辦的第一屆小學英檢聽力閱讀筆試, 成績表現優異. You all did a good job. Proud of you guys !! Excellent!!
恭喜施庭羽同學,初級英檢聽力得到滿分! 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚 讚!!
恭喜黃彙倢,顏翊翔,陳威廷,施庭羽, 施郁玟,李元熙,李亭葦,施怡安參加1/9 全民英檢初級初試高分通過! Well done!! Congratulations!!
初級英檢作文欣賞: Jason went to watch a baseball game with his parents yesterday. They cheered for their favorite player. Then, the player hit a home run. Luckily, Jason caught the ball from him. Jason was excited. After the ball game, Jason asked the player to sign his name on the ball. He signed it and gave Jason a big hug. 國三吳聆嘉♡
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恭喜國三(一,四)班 ,聖誕節歌唱比賽第四名,獲得獎金200元! congratulations!!
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恭喜先修B班 聖誕節歌唱比賽第三名 獲得獎金300元, good job !!~~~~
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恭喜國二 (二,五) 聖誕歌曲比賽第二名, 獲得獎金400元,讚 讚 讚 !!!!@@@@
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恭喜中級 一,四班聖誕節歌唱比賽第一名 獲得獎金500元!! 他們動員了很多人的幫忙, 收到約100個讚! 真的是很讚啦!!
聖誕歌曲比賽"讚"揭曉 (讚次數/班級人數) 中級C班 ( 0.9062) , 國二B班 (1.1538), 國三B班 (2.2352), 國一B班(0.5625),國一A班 (2.625), 國三A班(3.1428), 中級B班 (11.75) 先修B班(3.5238),D4班(0.6428), 先修A班(3.0263),C1班(1.0714), D1班 (0.7),B3班(0.8125), A2班(1.0909), A5班(0.61111), A1班(1.5) 第一名: 中級B班 , 第二名:國二A班, 第三名: 先修B班, 第四名: 國三A班 恭喜以上四個班級的同學,可以得到歌唱比賽獎金!!! Congratulations!!!
學生英文作文欣賞: A Letter of Invitation January 2nd, 2016 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Yu, The memory of last month is still fresh in my mind. I really appreciated everything you did for me during my stay in Taitung,--- the Budda Head-picking, the mountain-climbing, the hot-springs and so on. All the good times we had. All the yummy food we ate. All the fantastic scenery we saw… That perfect vacation will always be craving in my heart. As you may know, Ma Zu’s birthday is just around the corner. During this time of the year, Lukang will be the most lively through the year. It is definitely the perfect time to pay a visit to Lukang. If you could come, I will show you around the old streets lined with street vendors both sides to sample some of the well-known local snacks. What’s more, it will be very exciting to take participate in the activities of celebrating Ma Zu’s birthday. I really expect the good time we will have together. Hope to hear from you soon Sam --------中級班 陳柏亘