高雄市鳳山區青年路二段316號--電話:07-7768316 貴夫人成立於民國 72 年,本公司秉持著良心與道德之理念,不斷研發各種家電產品,以滿足消費者之需求,在這科技進步的時代,為提升大眾的生活品質,我們研發了更先進、高科技、更符合人性化的生機食品調製機。 由沒沒無聞的品牌,延伸到 1999 年的「生機食品調製機」創始者,至2006 年「生機精華萃取機」走上國際品牌,榮獲發明金牌獎,由"貴夫人"、" Ladyship"、" 雷迪迅浦"揚名國際市場。
貴夫人不斷提供消費者生機飲食相關資料,秉持「完美-是所有細節的加總」呼籲「天然 純淨 粗簡的生機飲食才是天賜美食」,是希望消費大眾都能有生理健康的提昇與改善,及高品質的生活。
LadyShip established in 1983, Ladyship Corporation has been leading the food processing appliance industry for more than twenty years. With a conscientious dedication to make the world a better place, we continue to research new lines of appliances. In this day and age of technological advancement, we deem it important to develop superior and user-friendly organic food processors and to further improve the public standard of living. From its humble beginning, to conceiving the Organic Food Blender in 1999, Ladyship Corporation finally gained worldwide recognition and won the 2006 Pittsburgh International Invention Exhibition Gold Prize with the innovative Organic Food Essence Extractor.
At Ladyship, we believe in ※Perfection is the Outcome of Refinement,§ and advocate ※ Natural and Simple Diet is the Gift of Mother Earth.§ In consequence, Ladyship Corporation regularly provides consumers with newest healthy diet information, in hopes of increasing health awareness and improving public lifestyle.
It is our goal to provide the most comprehensive services and support, because we believe in lasting relationships with our customers.
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