不斷的創新、研發是韋奕一路走來的理念;承製特殊產品,持續提昇產品的品質,更是全體員工共同的堅持。未來,將本著研究、革新、學習、成長的信念,持續為客戶提供品質優良的產品。 韋奕股份有限公司由陳中池董事長與妻子邱麗暖於民國76年創立。創始地點位於高雄縣的湖內鄉,當時只有簡陋的廠房及一台中古成型機。憑藉著一股衝勁和信心,陳董事長毅然決定投入特殊螺帽的開發承製。由內銷開始,以優越的技術和品質打響名聲,進而躍向國際。
Wei I Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded by President Chung-Tzu Chen and his wife Li-Nuan Chiu in 1987. At the time when WI was located at Hu-Nei, Wei I had only a primitive factory building and an old forming machine. With momentum and confidence, Mr. Chen resolutely decided to dedicate in the development and manufacturing of special nuts. Starting off from domestic sales, Mr. Chen gradually gained recognition and fame with superior technique and good quality, and successfully took a step forward into the international market.
Constant innovation and quality improvement has always been the motto the President aims for and adheres to.
Today, Wei I has moved to a factory over 11239 m2 in Yucheng Houxiang Industrial Park, with 27 forming machines and more than 60 employees working together for the belief of Wei I. Vice President Cheng-Ta Chou officially joined the team of Wei I in 2009. In the future, under the leadership of President Chung-Tzu Chen and Vice President Stanley Chou, Wei I will continue to develop and manufacture high quality products for clients in line with the concept of research, innovation, learning, and growth.
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facebook.com2016 Nov-Dec Staff Banquet
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民國85年的第一次員工旅遊 有看到自己嗎?
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回憶總是可以帶來滿滿驚喜 親愛的副廠~生日快樂~~~~~~~ 副廠表示: 偷拍我的兇手 自首無罪!!!!!!!
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2017桌曆-懷舊風!! 照片中有你認識的人嗎 ^.< 韋奕湖內舊廠照片蒐集中~ 有照片的人拜託拜託拜託拜託請一定要傳給我~~~~
Photos from 韋奕工業股份有限公司's post
我承認賭神進場很有梗😎 恭喜啊 對君涵好一點 不要再欺負她了(?)
Photos from 韋奕工業股份有限公司's post
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2016 Sep-Oct Staff Banquet
https://www.facebook.com/9gag/videos/10154978441766840/ PPAP 新定義 New Definition for PPAP 以後就交這個給汽車零件客戶了!!!! 想不到結果凌晨就來電50了 感謝辛苦的維修人員 感謝機動性這麼高的同仁們 芙蓉..........你可以當芙蓉豆腐就好不要當颱風嗎.....
!!公告更新!! 目前已已確認明日不會復電,故明日(9/29)停班一天,明日(9/29)停班一天,明日(9/29)停班一天! 請各組長重行通知,並指派一位組員於組內通知完成後向我通報!
!!緊急公告!! 受到梅姬颱風影響,目前公司為停電狀態,復電時間尚未確認,明日9/29上午除有另行通知之同仁外,請勿到公司上班,請勿到公司上班,請勿到公司上班!!暫定上班時間為下午01:00起,請隨時注意公司臉書是否有更新通知。 各組組長請確認組員皆已知悉公告內容。完成通知後組內請派一位代表留言通報,完成通知後組內請派一位代表留言通報,完成通知後組內請派一位代表留言通報!!!有看到的同仁請按讚或留言讓我知道一下哦!!!
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還好月亮出來了! 中秋節快樂~~~