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Ian's Table

花蓮縣壽豐鄉豐裡村四維路68號, Hualienhsien, Taiwan



預約私宅料理, 依當令季節變換菜色,每餐2~14人。餐點包含湯品,前菜,主菜,甜點與咖啡或有機香草茶。Ian's Table儘量採用當地食材,有時會採用在地小農的好作物,有時則出自自家的菜圃。所有出自Ian手中的餐點,一定是連自家6歲孩子都吃過的料理!
如果有任何疑問,歡迎來電或email詢問我們(牟小姐 0928559091、0926148007) 。
Located in Shoufeng Township about 30 minutes drive south of Hualien City, Ian's Table offers private dining for visitors in the lovely environment of the Huatung Rift Valley. We offer bookings for between 4 to 8 people with a set menu of five courses. (See notes for details.)
Operated by Ian and Sabine, with occasional help from our six-year old daughter and moral support from three dogs, Ian's Table offers an elegant yet homey dining environment. We try to make everything from scratch and aim to highlight local produce in all our dishes, including using herbs from our own garden.


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