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嘉義大學國際英語演講社 NCYU Toastmasters Club

東區學府路300號, Chiayi, Taiwan





歡迎來電詢問,社長羅詠虹 0910415996


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【20170302 Regular Meeting- Grammar part】 “Good usage” Idle adj. /ˈɑɪ·dəl/ =no useful Perspective n. /pərˈspek·tɪv/ = a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience and personality Empathy n. /ˈem·pə·θi/ Ballot n. /ˈbæl·ət/ “Improvement” Optimal your speech → make your speech optimally Read sb speak objective → read sb project objective If you hold on time →hold your time/ seize the time …and optimal use →...and use optimally

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【20170220 Regular Meeting-Grammarian Part】 Walk to the door Make your house more confortable → make you be in the comfort of your home eagerly =impatiently =excitedly be eager to V to catch everyone’s eyes It makes me reinvigorated. =It reinvigorates me. To do something easily Want to pass all examination Burn your midnight oil Stay up late Make good use of something Swipe the smart phone

【20170220 Regular Meeting-Grammarian Part】
Walk to the door
Make your house more confortable → make you be in the comfort of your home
eagerly =impatiently =excitedly
be eager to V
to catch everyone’s eyes
It makes me reinvigorated. =It reinvigorates me. 
To do something easily
Want to pass all examination
Burn your midnight oil
Stay up late
Make good use of something
Swipe the smart phone

聖誕節派對,就在下星期一! 一年一度來大節日來拉!!準備好你們的禮物,帶著你的朋友,來到嘉大國際英語演講社,與我們一同在遊戲與歡樂中渡過特別的一夜。 時間:12/26 (一) 晚上7:00~9:00 地點:嘉義大學 生物資源系館 105教室 需求:帶著愉悅的心,與$150-200的禮物。 費用:免費!!!!!現場會提供飲料、點心與各式遊戲獎勵。 下星期一,大家不 見 不 散。


時間:12/26 (一) 晚上7:00~9:00
地點:嘉義大學 生物資源系館 105教室
下星期一,大家不 見 不 散。

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Grammar part: 【Good usage】 solstice n. /ˈsɑl·stɪs, ˈsoʊl-/ 節點 hypothermia n. /ˌhɑɪ·pəˈθɜr·mi·ə/失溫 euthanasia n. /ˌju·θəˈneɪ·ʒə/ 安樂死 fire brigade n. /brɪˈɡeɪd/ 消防局=fire department Agriculture n. /ˈæɡ·rɪˌkʌl·tʃər/ 農業 mealworm n. 麵包蟲 Ballot n. /ˈbæl.ət/ 選票 Summer solstice 夏至 Spring equinox /ˈi·kwəˌnɑks/ 春分 Autumn equinox秋分 Equator n. /ɪˈkweɪ·t̬ər/ 赤道 Tropic of Cancer 北回歸線 Tropic of Capricorn /ˈkæp·rɪˌkɔrn/ 南迴歸線 Arctic Circle 北極圈 Antarctic Circle 南極圈 North Pole 北極 South Pole 南極 Aurora n. /ɔːˈrɔː.rə/ 極光 two days after tomorrow大後天 the day after tomorrow 後天 the day before yesterday 前天 【Improvement】 You don’t want to go to there → go there You will go to use pick up the bird → you will pick up the bird You eat dumpling for last weekend → on last weekend energy list → nutrition facts the disparity tradition → the disparity in tradition

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Grammar part: 【Good usage】 perseverance n. /pɝː.səˈvɪr.əns/ 不屈不撓 illusion n. /ɪˈlu·ʒən/ 幻覺 convey v. /kənˈveɪ/ 表達 result in sth 導致 species n. /ˈspi·ʃiz, -siz/ 物種 SOP → standard operation procedure 【Pronunciation】 present v. /ˈprez·ənt/ presentation n. / ˌprez·ənˈteɪ·ʃən/ evaluate v. /ɪˈvæl·juˌeɪt/ evaluatio n . /ɪˌvæl·jəˈweɪ·ʃən/ bureau n. /ˈbjʊər·oʊ/ 【Improvement】 Who will you think the first time? ❌→ Who’s the person come into your mind? How much proportion? ❌→ What’s the proportion? Rind the ring❌ →bell We also will… ❌→ we will also… I very like…❌ → I like very much… I have some suggestions is❌ → are

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Grammar part: 【Good usage】 zigzag v. [ˈzɪɡ·zæɡ] 之字形 jack n. [dʒæk] 千斤頂 trait n. [treɪt] 特質 sorrowful adj. [ˈsɔːr.ə.fəl] 悲痛的 【Pronunciation】 survey v. [sərˈveɪ,] survey n. [ˈsɜr·veɪ] breathe v. [brið] I can’t breathe right now. breath n. [breθ] celebrity n. [səˈleb·rɪ·t̬i] catalog n. [ˈkæt̬·əlˌɔɡ] statistics n. [stəˈtɪs·tɪks] analysis n. [əˈnæl·ə·sɪs] analyze v. [ˈæn·əlˌɑɪz] describe v. [dɪˈskrɑɪb] descriptive adj. [dɪˈskrɪp.tɪv] 【Improvement】 I will rise❌ the green card → raise They’re must❌ have some → must be My car become lower and lower ❌→ my car had flat tire Accompany with❌ sb → Accompany sb Piano player❌ → pianist In❌ the stage → on Looking on❌ my face → at Don’t vote to❌ sb → for

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Photos from 嘉義大學國際英語演講社 NCYU Toastmasters Club's post

Congratulations to our best speaker (Jackie) , best evaluator(Hannah), and best table topic speaker (Betty) on Nov.28. Theme this week : Winter Don't hesitate to join our "delightful" club every Monday evening!

Photos from 嘉義大學國際英語演講社 NCYU Toastmasters Club's post

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The following is the report of our Grammarian and the word of the day on 11/28. Hope everyone could try to use the word in your talk and correct some inappropriate usage for further improvement:). Treasure Benefit Civil law A lot of communities → group So this conclusion → in the summary Contain the word of the day→don’t forget to use the word of the day On foot → feet It is very strange → it’s a weird thing.

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The grammarian’s report of the meeting on 11/21. Good usage 1) all in all = in conclusion 2) in order to Correction and suggestion 1) interesting (adj) interest (n) 2) There was a football game in Dalin. = A football game was hold in Dalin. 3) be divided into 4) no matter who/when/what/which/where/how = Whoever/Whenever/Whatever/ Whichever/Wherever/However no matter who(= whoever) won the game… no matter where(=wherever) you leave….. no matter when (=whenever)you went out…. no matter how(= however) hard you try…. no matter what (=whatever) he said….. 5) more strong-> stronger 6) How much do you like it? 7) when you are parents = when you become parents 8) complete the test quickly The following is the word of the day. Hope everyone could try to use this word in your talk.

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D&K部聯合裁判講習會 時間地點:12/3 (六)道明中學 有興趣者請點選連結了解

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「10大演講錯誤 & 克服方法」工作坊


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