Master Energy Science and Technology - MEST, ETH Zurich
The ETH Zurich Master in Energy Science and Technology (MEST) official Facebook page The Master's degree programme in Energy Science and Technology (MEST) is offered by ETH Zurich. It is structured to enable technology students to focus on the broad scope of knowledge required to plan and provide the sustainable energy systems of the future.
The MEST programme is inter-departmental and it is this availability of breadth of study which makes it such a unique programme. Students tailor their own curriculum by choosing from the wide range of courses available, either by deepening an existing area of expertise or broadening into newer areas - for instance, energy economics or policy making. Ten different ETH departments offer Professors to act as MEST tutors: students can choose their tutor depending on where their own interests lie in preparation for the master thesis.
The ETH is ranked as one of the best in the world of all engineering universities and students that graduate from the MEST programme are highly sought after by engineering, consulting and energy companies as well as federal government offices.
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facebook.comThe Global Energy Challenge - A Corporate View
Join us for this Symposium with many distinguished speakers and learn how global corporations, institutional players and first-tier research institutions are reacting to the new, global challenges in the energy sector. Global stakeholders will present their visions and strategies, which will then be challenged by ETH faculty members and researchers. This will be followed by an open panel discussion, where the audience will have the possibility to challenge the panelists. Participation is open to all and free of charge. To attend the event please register on the ESC website by the 27th of March 2017.
Programme Presentation - Master Energy Science and Technology
Come and find out what this interesting programme offers: an overview of the programme, along with a presentation from a previous MEST student, now working as a Smart Grid Consultant for Landis+Gyr. Followed by snacks.
Timeline Photos
Are you interested in a summer school on entrepreneurship? Check out our webpage about the Climate-KIC Summer school 'The Journey'!
Die Zukunft der Energiespeicher: Trends und offene Fragen
We already have many registrations for our event next Wednesday (14.12.) about Energy Storage! That's why we need your help: If you want to volunteer for the registration desk, people management, admission control etc. please drop us a line!
Open Internship Positions
Looking for an internship in industry? You might want to have a look at our listings online:
Die Zukunft der Energiespeicher: Trends und offene Fragen
The Energy Science Center (ESC) of ETH Zurich would like to invite all MEST students to the Symposium on Energy Storage on Dec. 14th in the afternoon. Please register (should you not have done so as of yet) at: (The symposium is in German.)
Berichterstattung über den Weltenergiekongress 2016
Wir möchten Sie gemeinsam mit dem Schweizerischen Energierat zur Berichterstattung über den Weltenergiekongress 2016 an der ETH Zürich einladen:
Berichterstattung über den Weltenergiekongress 2016
Der alle drei Jahre stattfindende Kongress führte wiederum zu einem intensiven und interessanten Austausch unter den Entscheidungsträgern der Energie- und Klimapolitik, -technik und -wissenschaft. Mitglieder der offiziellen Schweizerdelegation berichten über die Erkenntnisse aus ihrer jeweiligen Sicht und beantworten Fragen aus dem Publikum. Die Referenten sind Kurt Rohrbach (VSE), Prof. Alexander Wokaun (PSI) und Kathrin Volkart (PSI), siehe Details unten.
Would a current MEST student have time to talk to a prospective student? Freddy, a student from New Zealand, is interested in applying for the MEST next autumn, he has a physics (thermodynamics) and environmental management background and is interested mostly in smart-grid expansion and renewable energy policy. However, given the broad scope of the MEST, he's not exactly sure what he wants to focus on yet. He’s currently here in Zurich staying with friends and asks if anyone has time to sit down with him for a coffee (or beer) and talk about their MEST experiences and/or research so far. In return, maybe he can be of some help if anyone is planning to travel NZ and wants some local tips! If you are willing to meet up with Freddy, please contact
The Energy Science Center (ESC) invites all MEST students, past & present, to an autumn Apéro on Monday 3rd October 2016 at 6pm onwards in the foyer and terrace of the main D-ITET building, ETZ.
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The 2016 SAEE workshop for Doctoral Candidates and Master Students will take place on Friday, November 11th at ETH Zürich. To participate, please send your abstract (up to 1 A4 page) to by October 14th. Participation, including lunch, coffee breaks and dinner, is free.
Low-Carbon Energy and Development Strategies
Engineering for Development (E4D) School on Energy "Low-Carbon Energy and Development Strategies", 8–27 January 2017, Cape Town, South Africa. More details are available on the ETH website: