Artasfoundation: Swiss Foundation for Art in Regions of Conflict
The Swiss Foundation for Art in Regions of Conflict
is an independent, impartial operational foundation.
Funded by donations from many members of civil
society, it was established in the year 2011.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"Erev shel shoshanim", Komitas Chamber Music House, Jerewan, 8 Juli 2019
Ein kleiner Eindruck vom Abschlusskonzert des "We Are One Choir" im Komitas Chamber Music House in Jerewan am 8. Juli, dirigiert von Franziska Welti. Was für ein wunderbares akustisches Erlebnis!
A short video from our amazing concert today with the We Are One choir in Koghb, Tavush region. SRO! Song conducted by Hermine Palanduzyan.
Rehearsing for the concert of the choir "We Are One" today in Koghb. So beautiful! (Video by Olivia Jaques)
The famous "Cup Song" live in Dilijan, July 4th 2019: the first concert of our tour with the choir "We Are One" from and through the Tavush region!
We Are One Choir in Berd_20190705
In the middle of Art Matters we are head over heels in preparing art lessons for the following week in primary and art schools. Our main quarter is the Armenian State Pedagogical University. We are excited to have this time together, overwhelmed from the hospitality of Yerevan’s hospitality and from the intense collaboration process, which provides one learning moment after the other. The best team ever! Մենք առաջին կեսին ենք. «Արվեստը նշանակություն ունի» նախագծի` պատրաստելով դասավանդելու կրտսեր և արվեստի դպրոցներում հաջորդ շաբաթվա ընթացքում: Մենք գտնվում ենք Հայստանի Պետական Մանկավարժական Համալսարանում: Մենք ուրախ ենք այս ժամանակահատվածը լինել միասին` վայելելով Երևանի հյուրընկալությունը և ինտենսիվ համագործակցության գործընթացը, որը ապահովում է մեկ ուսումնական պահ մյուսի ետևից: Լավագույն թիմը երբևէ!
Photos from Artasfoundation: Swiss Foundation for Art in Regions of Conflict's post
Looking back on a wonderful choir workshop in Dilijan, filled with melodies from all around the world, body percussion, singing, dancing and new friendships... Thanks to Shoghakat MLké-Galstian, Franziska Welti, Jean-Daniel Girod, Bella Bella, Serine Khachatryan, Hermine Palanduzyan, Sona Mughdusyan, Ika Gvilava, Tamara Shanava, Այդիյան Դավիթ, Ստելլա Արթուրի Լոռեցյան and all the singers from the „We Are One“ Choir!! And a big thank you to Christoph Läser for the beautiful documentation of our workshop!
artasfoundation Rundbrief Nr. 2/2018
** Aufgepasst!! Der neue artasfoundation Rundbrief ist da! Wer den Rundbrief das nächste Mal direkt per Mail erhalten möchte, schreibe uns einfach eine Nachricht. ** Check out the new artasfoundation newsletter! To get on the newsletter mailing list, please just send us a message![UNIQID]
Photos from Artasfoundation: Swiss Foundation for Art in Regions of Conflict's post
Proud to have been part of the 6th edition of Tskaltubo Art Festival last weekend!! A big thank you to all the participants and especially the wonderful organizational team! Photos: Dagmar Reichert
Artasfoundation: Swiss Foundation for Art in Regions of Conflict's cover photo
Photos from Artasfoundation: Swiss Foundation for Art in Regions of Conflict's post
Looking back on Art Matters! - a workshop organized in collaboration with the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK for future art teachers from Sochum/i and Zurich, taking place in Zurich from September 3rd - 15th, 2018. Photos: Dagmar Reichert.
Chambarak August 2018
Armenian and Swiss students are meeting for a creative week in Chambarak, Gegharkunik province in Armenia.