Zouk is fun. Dancing Zouk is living life to its fullest. This we want to impart by organizing events for the brazilian dance Zouk. (See Info for more) Zouk is fun. Dancing Zouk is living life to its fullest. This is what ZOUKademia wants to impart by organizing events related to the brazilian dance "Zouk".
Read here about:
1. We and YOU - or the Feedback cycle
2. Event-Concepts
3. What is Zouk?
3a. Have a look at it
3b. Description of Zouk
3c. History of Zouk
3d. Further readings and links
1. We and YOU - or the Feedback cycle
You have suggestions or want to give a feedback?
Please feel free to contact us, here on facebook,
by email zoukademia@gmail.com or directly at
one of our events. There is also a post in the notes
section, where you can leave us comments and
feedbacks directly related with ZOUK MATTERS.
2. Event-Concepts
This Party is for YOU dear Zoukers and guests. As we are
experienced dancers, we know how important it is to have
the right atmosphere for dancing. But everybody is different
and we want to make it amazing for YOU. We will invite
international DJ's and dancers you like, bring teachers to
seduce you and organize specials to give you a blast.
And all this, keeping an incredibly low entry fee. But we
also need your help. Tell us what you like, whom of your
foreign dance friends you want to meet again, who's Dj's
music you like most, what style you prefer.... Tell us.
You can reach us here on Facebook, by Email
(zoukademia@gmail.com) and on any Zouk-party in Zurich.
3. What is Zouk?
3a. Have a look at it
Watch our channel on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcmxoxNz3EqgW5bCR-H9S1A
or one of the following videos to get a first impression of this dance:
Kamacho: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPxmI_z1R1E
Xandy&Evelyn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITRCYkFMqfk
Gilson&Natasha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpY1iEhDMUk
Val&Thayna: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19A6cThgRH8
VeroZouk & SoulZouk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flY-iFPY8uc
3b. Description of Zouk
3c. History of Zouk
3d. Further readings and links
Tell your friends
facebook.comZouk Matters - Dj Lucky Luke
Zouk Matters - Dj Nandes
Zouk Matters
Timeline Photos
(Deutsch weiter unten) Hey SwissZoukers! What do you think about if our regular parties would look like this as well? Wouldn't it be awesome to have dozens of dancers to dance with every week?? You can help to make this dream come true! Yes i mean YOU! Take the initiative and talk about your passion and love for Zouk, how happy dancing makes you. Talk to your friends and to new people you meet, over and over again. Convince them to start dancing. Take them with you to the dancefloor and to classes in your school, accompany and encourage them. You'll be surprised about the huge impact you can have, how much impact we all together can have! Let's start the Quest for Zouk! Because we all together ARE Swisszouk!! DanceZouk.ch and ZOUKademia will launch special "quest4zouk" programs next week. Stay tuned! --------------------------- Hey SwissZoukers! Was haltet ihr davon, wenn unsere regulären Zouk Parties so ausschauen würden? Wäre es nicht der Hammer jede Woche mit Dutzenden von Tänzern und Tänzerinnen zu tanzen?? Du kannst helfen diesen Traum war zu machen. Ja ich meine genau DICH! Ergreif die Initiative und sprich über deine Faszination und Leidenschaft für Zouk, wie glücklich dich Tanzen macht. Rede mit deinen Freunden und mit neuen Leuten die du triffst, immer wieder. Überzeuge sie mit Tanzen anzufangen. Nimm sie mit dir mit auf die Tanzfläche und zu Kursen in deiner Schule, begleite und ermutige sie! Du wirst überrascht sein wie viel du bewirken kannst, wieviel wir alle zusammen bewirken können! Lasst uns die Quest für Zouk starten!! Weil wir alle zusammen SIND Swisszouk!! DanceZouk.ch und ZOUKademia starten nächste Woche spezielle "quest4zouk" Programme. Halte dich bereit! #quest4zouk #letsstart #zouk2thetop #staytuned #zoukademia #dancezouk #swisszouk
Zouk Matters
Zouk Matters - Dj Lucky Luke
Zouk Matters - Zoukessence Workshops
Zouk Matters
Zouk Matters
Lamba-Zouk-Special with Olaya
Some very good reasons to start dancing and it is so much FUN too!! So contact us and check out our events ;))