Insert Coin
Micro studio specialized in games, playful installations and visually appealing interactive experiences. Insert Coin creates beautifull indie games and magical artistic installations.
Skilled in the creation of media experiences, Insert Coin also equips museums, show rooms and trade shows with installations that amaze visitors.
Our repertoire includes interactive projections, media tables, 3d-animations, virtual reality experiences with the newest gadgets and much more. The focus is allways on the impression that we can deliver. Technology is merely used to achieve the goal.
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Today's the last day to play Cosmic Hare at Ludicious - Zürich Game Festival. You might even manage to get a sneak peek of some new levels! — Products shown: Cosmic Hare.
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Leuchtmilan, our newest kinetic light installation is on swiss television news! Five birds made of fluorescent acrylic glass, illuminated with LED stripes.
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Taking shape: The light art installation Leuchtmilan for Zauberwald Lenzerheid with Ursina Wirz and Simon Broggi
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Concept render for our installation at Zauberwald Lenzerheid. Wing span: two meters Amount of birds planned: five We're going to need a lot of fluorescent plexiglas!
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The construction plan for this years interactive installation at Zauberwald Lenzerheid: Five large kinetic bird sculptures. The birds can be moved by activating an electromagnet that pulls a weight, thus giving it a swing. Will it work?
Cosmic Hare | Made with Unity
Played through the 39 levels yet? Because of numerous requests more levels for Cosmic Hare are in the making!
«Cosmic Hare» angespielt: Hasen im Weltall
"Cosmic Hare ist ein gelungenes Puzzlespiel aus der Schweizer Indie-Szene, das einfach, aber idyllisch gestaltet wurde." Danke an die NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung für den tollen Artikel zu unserem neuen Game!
Cosmic Hare on the App Store
Es ist soweit, die Hasen sind los! Cosmic Hare ist ab sofort auf den App Stores erhältlich!
Cosmic Hare
New space puzzle adventure coming soon! Get ready to follow the white rabbit!
Langohrfledermäuse lieben Nachtfalter!
Ich bin als Fledermaus verhungert
Auftragsarbeit für Schmauderrohr: Drei Spiele für die Ausstellung Fledermaus-Welt im Zoo Zürich. Eines davon ein Virtual Reality Erlebnis, bei dem der Besucher als Fledermaus schreiend Mücken fängt. Hingehen lohnt sich!