ZeoT Zürich
Das ZeoT ist die grösste Schweizer Tanzschule für orientalischen Bauchtanz mit einem langjährig gereiften Kurskonzept für Anfängerinnen bis Fortgeschrittene. In unseren Tanzkursen unterrichten wir das ganze Spektrum des orientalischen Tanzes: Von der Folklore über den klassisch ägyptischen bis zum modernen türkischen Stil. Wir haben in allen Klassen klar definierte Lektions- und Kursperiodenziele und unterrichten die moderne Isolationstechnik, welche ein maximales Lerntempo und hohes Wohlbefinden unserer Teilnehmerinnen ermöglicht.
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Read more about the benefits of dancing together in our blog!http://www.zeot.ch/blog/2017/2/17/benefitsofdancingtogether
OZGEN@ZeoT Zurich weekend 1/2 April 2017
Only a few more days until the first workshop weekend with Ozgen Ozgec - register now! www.zeot.ch/workshop-ueberblick 1 April 13.30-16.00 / Romantic Ottoman Music from M intermediate level / CHF 85 1 April 16.30-18.30 / Turkish Flamenco with skirt and fan from A2 beginner level / CHF 70 2 April 11.00-13.00 / Romani Street Style Dance from A2 beginner level / CHF 70 2/9/23 April 13.30-16.00 / Romani Street Scence Performance Project from A/M pre-intermediate level / CHF 255 PACKAGES Any 3 WS: 15% discount 5 or more WS: 25% discount
Lisa Müller-Albrecht / Workshops Zürich
CONDITIONING, DRILLS & LAYERINGS Sonntag, Mai 7, 2017 11:00 13:00 Dieser Workshop bietet ein umfassendes Training für Tribal Fusion- und Fusion- TänzerInnen. Mit einem intensiven Body-Conditioning, das den Puls antreibt, die Muskulatur kräftigt und die Beweglichkeit erhöht, wird der Körper auf das Tanzen vorbereitet. Typische Bewegungen wie Locks und Wellen werden geübt und zu Layerings mit ansteigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad zusammengesetzt. Niveau: offen // Preis: CHF 70 // Sprache: Deutsch FUSION COMBINATIONS Sonntag, Mai 7, 2017 13:30 15:30 Kombinationen à la Lisa mit unterschiedlichem Schwierigkeitsgrad und einem Hauch Eleganz. Niveau: ab M // Preis: CHF 70 // Sprache: Deutsch
Photos from ZeoT Zürich's post
If you could ask a dancer just one question, what would it be? How did you get where you are now, how many hours a day do you practice or what tips can you give me to improve my shimmy?! Kaeshi Chai will soon be giving workshops at ZeoT Zürich....what would you like to ask her? Write your questions below and we'll do our best to get you the answer!
Latcho Drom (Safe Journey) - Turkey sequence
Enjoy the Turkey sequence from Tony Gatlif’s film Latcho Drom, tracing the Romani people’s journey from north-west India to Spain. In this sequence Turkish Roma in Istanbul sell flowers and play their music in cafes while their children observe and learn. We’re looking forward to learning some more Turkish romani dance steps in April with Ozgen when he comes to Zürich. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZE4NHZqnLg
Happy & proud to announce the return of Lisa Müller-Albrecht to ZeoT Zürich! http://www.zeot.ch/workshop-kalender/2017/5/7/lisa-muller-albrecht-conditioning-drills-layerings
Photos from ZeoT Zürich's post
Lovely visit to Social Fabric Zurich to choose new hip scarf fabric colors and contrasting threads! Available mid April online or at Zeot Zurich studio!
Basar & Second Hand Börse
Come find a bargain!
Photos from ZeoT Zürich's post
Just in time for spring! We are busy choosing new color combinations for our Flora hip scarf collection. New fabric colors will be 2017 Pantone color of the year, 'greenery' and a beautiful 'primrose' yellow. What color thread would you choose to contrast these colors? Let us know - the winning suggestion will receive a free hip scarf!
ZeoT Zürich
From romantic Ottoman, Turkish Waltz or lyrical floor work, Ozgen has something to suit all tastes. Why not join him to learn a fantastic flamenco skirt and fan dance or dive in deeper and spend 3 Sundays rehearsing a Romani street scene to be performed in the ZeoT show on April 30th 2017. www.zeot.ch/workshop-ueberblick
Photos from ZeoT Zürich's post
DANCING TOGETHER HELPS FIGHT HOME SICKNESS! When you live far away from home, dancing in a group can help to keep your culture alive and retain the connection to your roots or homeland. During the Welt Tanz festival in Europaallee, August 2015, organised by ZeoT Zürich in collaboration with the SBB and Alb Proyekt, we had the pleasure to meet groups based in Zürich from all over the world. http://www.zeot.ch/blog/2017/2/17/benefitsofdancingtogether
Bellyqueen Journey Along the Silk Road
Lets wake up this morning to something spectacular! Kaeshi Chai's amazing belly dance production, 'Journey along the silk road'. Meet Kaeshi in person when she comes to ZeoT Zürich in May! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVGjMYQQYgs