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˙ Business & Finance Consulting (BFC) is an independent firm that makes development banking in emerging markets work through the provision of management consulting, analytics and research expertise.
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facebook.comGovt approves USD 75mn loan from WB for financial sector
Kyrgyzstan changes conditions of concessional lending in favor of export
Eurasian Development Bank negotiates changes to terms of loan installment for Armenia
Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business
Book for the weekend: “Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business” by Paul Downs Forbes Best Business Book of the Year 2015 and winner of the 2015 800-CEO-READ Business Book Award in Entrepreneurship, Boss Life details the everyday life of a small business owner and shares honest reflections on failures and shortcomings. It’s truly a must-read book for anyone involved with small businesses. #Bookfortheweekend #Bookfortheweekend .com/Boss-Life-Surviving-Small-Business/dp/0399172335/
A new kind of job market
#BFCThursdayVideos #TEDTalks #Business #Work #Globalissues Wingham Rowan, director of Britain’s Beyond Jobs project, helps solve the problem of people wanting jobs with very flexible hours and employers not knowing how to accommodate this. He explains how the same technology powering modern financial markets can help employers book workers for slivers of time. Subscribe to our page to receive the best select videos each Thursday on your Timeline
Top Banking APIs Enabling Access to Aggregated Rich Financial Data
"In the future, the interface will not be a branch, a computer, or even a phone"
Mongolia and IMF reach agreement, financing packages to total 5.5 billion USD
EU supporting Rule of Law and Rural Development in the Kyrgyz Republic with €23 million
European Investment Bank: We have enough money to invest in Kazakhstan
Armenia placed 33rd in 2017 Index of Economic Freedom
Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age
Book for the weekend: “Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age” by Sherry Turkle BFC strongly recommends this book for anyone wanting to understand how a lack of true conversations is undermining our relationships, creativity and productivity. Based on five years of research and interviews in homes, schools and workplaces, Turkle contends that we have come to a better understanding of where our technology can and cannot take us, arguing that now is the right time to reclaim conversation as the most human—and humanizing—thing that we do. #Bookfortheweekend