Equitypitcher brings startup founders together with qualified investors. We boost innovation and entrepreneurship for the benefit of all involved parties.
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facebook.comI would like to thank all the people for making the Investor Summit Liechtenstein such a successful event! http://www.volksblatt.li/nachricht.aspx?id=165342&p1=fl&src=vb
You wish to explore different startups and learn more about innovation? Then come to the Investor Summit Liechtenstein where there will be pitches, free workshops, and opportunities to network with major players in the industry. https://www.facebook.com/investorsummitliechtenstein/
Blockchain has more usage than just Bitcoin, look how Switzerland does it. Great step towards innovation in Switzerland!
Blockchain being disruptive enough to bring change!
Is venture capital finally receiving the attention from Switzerland? https://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/risikokapital-wirtschaftsminister-sammelt-fast-300-millionen-risikokapital-id6930747.html
Great tips on selecting Startups, quite similar to how we do it! http://www.finews.ch/news/finanzplatz/26808-michael-bornh%C3%A4usser-venture-capital-private-equity-sallfort-privatbank-basel-vc
Smartphone era done by 2022? http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-f8-mark-zuckerberg-augmented-reality-2026-2017-4
7 Interesting wealthtech solutions from Switzerland http://fintechnews.ch/roboadvisor_onlinewealth/7-interesting-wealthtech-solutions-switzerland/10783/
Want to know where Switzerland is ranked in the world for the best countries to be an entrepreneur?
«Das Gestalten der digitalen Transformation darf nicht allein den IT-Verantwortlichen überlassen werden. Es ist eine Aufgabe, die das ganze Unternehmen fordert» http://www.vaterland.li/liechtenstein/wirtschaft/Inspirierender-Unternehmertag;art173,262274