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Micha Swinson's Lebanese cuisine

8 ch de la Dauphine, Versoix, Switzerland
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Married with 3 challenging daughters who feel lucky to have a great cook at home .  Early Culinary Beginnings:

Micha says she was born into cooking. "My first vivid memory is watching mom in the kitchen. She was flipping something with a spatula. I tried to copy her and ended up grilling my right thumb! I was six ," says Micha " . “Everyone on both sides of my family cooks."
My father managed several Hotels In Lebanon and Kuwait. He is a great cook as well . Ever since I can remember , he was the one to shop for the best cut of meat from the Butcher . He was so exigent that food should be cooked and served in a certain way . His Pasta had to be Al Dente and his meat had to be cooked " rare " .  

Later, with my husband , we moved to Switzerland , Hong Kong and Chicago . I have been exposed to different types of food and cultures .  My curiosity and love for food led me to explore every different type of cuisine that you can imagine .

My husband and daughters are the best food critics in the world . They have developed an early appreciation to good food .

Their encouragements for teaching my own cooking skills has led to this little pleasure that I run today , The Atelier Cuisine Libanaise in Geneva , switzerland .



Fattoush salad

Lebanese tartare " kebbeh Nayyieh "

Getting ready for some chinese chicken & cashew nuts

Roadted tomatoe soup

If you are interested in signing up for lebanese cooking classes , send me a private email : , and i will add you to my new mailing list.


NEAR Micha Swinson's Lebanese cuisine

Observatorio de Ginebra

Versoix, Switzerland
Landmark & Historical Place