Le Rosey Steering Committee
This is the official page for the Le Rosey Steering Committee, the charitable wing of Le Rosey's student and teacher body. Welcome to the Steering Committee’s humanitarian Facebook Page! Here, you will find stories from students about the various humanitarian trips that we organize, information about fundraising and donating, and general news about the activities going on at the school. This is meant to be a place to share, learn, create, and discuss humanitarian projects and to allow for more people to be educated on the fantastic projects we are involved in that have taken years to develop. We are proud of our work, and we want to share our experiences and invite more people to get involved. Don’t forget to check out the photo gallery, descriptions of projects, and upcoming event pages for more information.
Why Steering Committee?
Inspired by the experiences of Roséens and the determination of its members, the Steering Committee has the role to manage long-term humanitarian projects, initiate new ones, and drive student enthusiasm. The projects we were involved in came from all areas of the world; some from Ghana, Mali, and Tajikistan, and others from local charities around Switzerland. Our involvement was made possible by the Roséens who wanted to direct their unique experiences to the rest of the community.
Being a member required a lot of dedication and hard work, but at the same time, allowed me to respond to the myriad of humanitarian projects undertaken by the committee in a different way. What truly drives a project goes beyond fund-raising; it is the commitment and belief of the students that do. The other members I had the pleasure to work with all possessed these qualities, and as a team, we learned from one another and did our best to fulfill the many roles of the committee.
Through the close ties of Roséens and student dedication, the Steering Committee truly works to strengthen Rosey’s humanitarian involvement all around the world, strengthening its ties as a ‘School for Life.’
Leading the Way to Change
Three years ago, Rosey’s old Charity Committee was transformed into the Steering Committee. A great deal more than a mere name change was involved. Who or what was the new committee to steer? The revitalized committee was to direct and assist student-led humanitarian projects. It took some time and effort to effectively communicate to the school community the new vision: works of solidarity are the business of each of us, not just a specialist few.
Once the message was understood, we witnessed the start of something new and wonderful on campus. The floodgates have opened, with students setting out on various trips with a new question in mind, ‘how can we help those we encounter who are less fortunate than ourselves.’ The weekly meetings of the Steering Committee see a near constant passage of newly formed student groups, from Juniors to Class Terminal, eager to fund some new aid project. They are far from helpless. They have demonstrated great ingenuity in finding new ways to achieve their goals, with students taking the lead.
More wonderful still, these young people feel the urge to share more than just their pocket money; they volunteer to help local charities such as the Lion’s Club of La Côte or Human Rights Watch Geneva man their events, or work in the developing world building houses in Romania or teaching in South Africa.
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