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Insight China

Riggenbachstrasse 16, Olten, Switzerland



Insight China is a international business project of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland  (FHNW) from students for students. Insight China is a unique international business project for students, organized by students. The main purpose of this project is to prepare final-year students in doing business in China. Moreover, the project should foster intercultural exchange as well as helping students to build up a professional network in China.

The project consists of two parts. The first part is a one-week preparatory seminar in Olten with expert guest lecturers from various fields such as Management, Politics, Culture and Law who offer a thorough introduction to life and work in China. The second part consists of a two-week on-site trip to China, where participating students get a unique chance to experience the meaning of Chinese culture and business world in real life.

Join us and get a fascinating insight into China!

Your 2016 Insight China Project Team



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