Our goal is to build a small and very agile submersible robot that makes it possible to scan entire coral reefs. To achieve our goal Scubo will be able to move omni directional. Therefore Scubo can move and turn in every direction. This way the object which is to be scanned can be looked at from every direction and angle. To achieve an intuitive steering we will implement six on-board cameras that covers the entire sphere around Scubo. But Scubo should not be restricted to scanning corals. Via five ports each user can connect his very own sensors or even a high-definition camera. Whether corals in the Caribbean, the shore of Lake Zurich or even a virtual dive in an aquarium - Scubo not only convinces with his captivating technology but also with his modern design. Innovation starts when science meets entertainment.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS«Done and done!» | Leonie Traffelet | 20 July 2016 - Scubo
The focus project has officially ended, but Scubo has just begun diving! Check out in our latest blog post how we spent our last weeks working on the project and what might come in the future... ▶
Timeline Photos
"Hi Mom, I'm on TV!"
Scubo - Lamps - ETH Zurich
Testing our lamps. ▶
The first public presentation of Scubo. ▶
Scubo - Rollout Trailer - ETH Zurich
For those who missed it, here is the trailer from our rollout presentation. ▶
Timeline Photos
Scubo with its brand-new outer shell. #1dayout
Timeline Photos
Come and get a sneak peek of the future of underwater robotics. 31 May 2016, 14:00 (our presentation @ 15:05) ETH Zürich, Audimax HG F 30 #6daysout
«10 days to go!» | Leonie Traffelet | 21 May 2016 - Scubo
Check out our latest blog post and find out how we ended up in the beautiful Tessin. ▶ #10daysout
Operating process
Yesterdays diving experience. #13daysout
Operating process
Stay tuned for our awesome Rollout trailer! #14daysout
Operating process
Scubo's First Dive
The moment we've been waiting for so long. ▶