I Love English
Sprich es nicht nur, lebe es!
Don't just speak it, live it!
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My first day at: http://www.bzww.ch. Am so proud to be able to teach in Weinfelden :-)
Photos from I Love English's post
Appenzell. A picturesque region. And the place where I get to teach once a week ;-)
Die 12 schönsten englischen Wörter
The twelve most beautiful English words ;-) http://www.efswiss.ch/de/blog/language/die-12-schoensten-englischen-woerter/?source=007932%2CFBCS_M_PG_BL_ENGWORDS
TOEFL Speaking/Writing Card Games
If you open this page (https://prezi.com/7go75wqakyin/toefl-speakingwriting-card-games/) and click on «Komplettes Transkript» at the bottom in the left column, you will find an interesting transcript with cloze text. For example: «Some people believe ____________ while others think _______________. I personally think ________ for the following reasons: _____; _____; and ____.» I challenged my TOEFL students with it ;-)
What we really learn…
How true :-) http://themetapicture.com/what-we-really-learn/
ESL Games
Used this website to play English online games with my 6th graders: http://www.mes-games.com/ They loved it ;-)
I got Brilliant Genius. 90% of people can't pass this spelling test! Can you?
9 phrases smart people never say
Ich bin so stolz auf meine SchülerInnen :-) http://www.ortegaschule.ch/single-post/2017/02/13/Sprachwettbewerb-%C2%ABGo4Goal%C2%BB
BBC - Skillswise - Level 1 Factsheets and Worksheets
A wonderful website to learn and practice skimming and scanning: http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/topic/skimming-and-scanning/resources/l1 Am teaching my students this technique to help them with their reading exams :-)
10+ Hilarious Reasons Why The English Language Is The Worst
One of the reasons why I love being an English teacher ;-)
They Put The Mic Up To This Parrot's Mouth, But You Won't Believe What He Says... WOW!
She is so adorable :-) Will show her to my students tomorrow and let them write down some of the words that her owner mentions. Good spelling practice ;-)