Occupational therapy & rehabilitation for children & adults. We speak English.
Ergothérapie & rééducation pour adultes & enfants. Nous parlons Français.
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See if you can capture OT this month with us! #captureOT #OTmonth
SensoryTreat | Sensory home programs
A fantastic app for any parents and OTs wanting help with creating and managing a sensory diet.The app consists of over 100 fun sensory activities grouped by type of sensory stimulation that makes it easy to customize daily routines that parents can handle and children can enjoy.
5 Easy Ways to Combine Movement and Learning | therapy-center
5 Easy Ways to Combine Movement and Learning to try out at home!5-Easy-Ways-to-Combine-Movement-and-Learning/ackyd/56e74e990cf2d686649abee7
SUMMER CAMPS! At Ergo Leman we offer some great bilingual summer camps. 1 Therapeutic summer camp and 1 handwriting camp! Sign up before it's all booked up! CAMPS D'ÉTÉ! A Ergo-Léman, nous vous offrons de superbes camps d'été bilingue. 1 camp thérapeutique et 1 d'écriture ! Inscrivez-vous avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !
College Students Create Backpack for Students on Autism Spectrum
What a great backpack for all kids needing proprioceptive feedback!
The Huffington Post
I LOVE seeing stories like this! What a great clothing line!
A very interesting insight into dyslexia! Ever wanted to see what it's like to be Dyslexic? Take a look and see how easy you think it is to read this article.
Photos from Ergo-Léman's post
SUMMER CAMPS! At Ergo Leman we offer some great bilingual summer camps. 1 Therapeutic summer camp and 1 handwriting camp! Sign up before it's all booked up! CAMPS D'ÉTÉ! A Ergo-Léman, nous vous offrons de superbes camps d'été bilingue. 1 camp thérapeutique et 1 d'écriture ! Inscrivez-vous avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !
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Do you know me? A small insight into Sensory Processing Disorder
Here's Why Writing Things Out By Hand Makes You Smarter
On the theme of writing, here's an interesting article on why writing by hand makes you smarter.
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The importance of developing pre-writing skills in early childhood
Oral Sensory Seeking Ideas for Kids with Autism and/or Sensory Processing Issues | Sensory Smart...
Is your child chewing, biting, licking inappropriately? Raising a Sensory Smart Child is LOADED with strategies and tips for addressing oral sensory seeking. Here are some tips from a great blog.!Oral-Sensory-Seeking-Ideas-for-Kids-with-Autism-andor-Sensory-Processing-Issues/ydm7o/566b2a630cf2beecdd83d1a5