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Embassy and Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the UN Office in Geneva

23 Avenue de France, Geneva, Switzerland
Political Organization



The Embassy and Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations Office and other International Organisations in Geneva  


UNICEF annual report documents a 50% reduction in mortality of children below 5 in Afghanistan between 1990 and 2015. Investments on programs such as breastfeeding, full vaccination, trained midwives, antenatal care, prevention and treatment of diarrhea and pneumonia, and insecticide bed nets are proven effective in reducing child death.

پيام جلالتمآب رييس جمهوري اسلامي افغانستان به مناسبت عيد سعيد فطر.

"Enabling Gender Equal Representation" a side event organized by the International Gender Champions at the margin of the Human Rights Council in the UN, Geneva, June 14, 2017. Ambassador Suraya Dalil of Afghanistan was among the speakers together with Ambassadors of Sweden, UK, Colombia. The event was opened by Mr Michael Møller Director-General of UN in Geneva. In the event, Arancha Gonzales, Executive Director of International Trade Center; and Scott Weber, Director General of Interpeace; as well as representatives from civil society were the panelists. Ambassador Dalil spoke about women's rights issues in Afghanistan; the progress and challenges, and their participation in peace talks.

ښاغلی قربان حقجو خپل باورلیک دافغانستان سفیرپه توګه د سوداګري نریوال سازمان دایرکتر جنرال ته دجون میاشت 14، 2017، وسپاره او تر څنګ يي د خپل هیواد دمشرتابه نیکي هیلي وراندي کري.

HE Mohammad Qurban Haqjo Afghanistan Ambassador to the World Trade Organization (WTO) presented his credential to HE Roberto Azevêdo the Director General of WTO in Geneva on June 14, 2017. Afghanistan became member of WTO on July 29, 2016 and is the 164th in the world and 36th among the less-developed countries that have received WTO membership. Ambassador Haqjo is the first Afghanistan Ambassador accredited to WTO following Afghanistan's membership to the Organization and will establish the Afghanistan Mission to the WTO in Geneva. Prior to this, Ambassador Haqjo was the Deputy Minster for Commerce with the Afghanistan Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

محمد اشرف غني رييس جمهوري إسلامي با انتونيو گوترس سرمنشي سازمان ملل متحد ملاقات كرد.

Statement of Dr. Suraya Dalil, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the UN based in Geneva and other International Organizations at the 35th session of Human Rights Council in a clustered interactive dialogue with the Special Rapportuer on the Rights to freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association and and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Education, delivered on June 7, 2017. Mr. President, Afghanistan welcomes the reports from the Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, and the Special Rapporteur on the right to education and acknowledge their comprehensive reports. Afghanistan’s achievements in providing access to education, as a fundamental human right, including for girls and boys are remarkable. Although the country has managed to ensure increased access to education by millions of children, our efforts in raising quality of education and learning standards, is remained a primary focus. Afghanistan believes that girls education, including continuum of education to higher level, is a key strategy in poverty reduction, sustainable development, and in improving social justice and equity. Mr. President, Afghanistan aligns itself with the statement delivered by the OIC group, and meanwhile believes that, within the Islamic countries, the core learning objectives within both formal and non-formal education, should be inspired with the Islamic values and principles that primarily invite for peace, honesty, and humanity that are in fact the essence of faithfulness. Although, we recognize the role of the non-formal education and value the work of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, we would like to reiterate that in some parts of our region the non-formal education or Madrassas are abused as a venue whereby violent extremism and terror are promoted and thought to young students. We believe that the non-formal education should lead to the formal one and prepare the students for decent educational choices. We recommend a review of the non-formal education or Madrassas in our region by the OHCHR. Moreover, I would like to extend on behalf of my government visit of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education to visit Afghanistan as part of his/her mandate. Mr. President, Afghanistan believes that the rights to peaceful assembly and of association is among one of the basic human rights. The right to freedom of association is enshrined in the Afghanistan Constitution. The Government of Afghanistan stands responsive toward the right of Afghan citizens for peaceful assembly and holds all violators of such right accountable in front of law. I thank you Mr. President.

H.E. Faizullah Zaki; Acting Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; met H.E. Salim Yanvar oglu Muslumov; Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the margin of the 106th International Labor Conference, Geneva, June 7, 2017. In addition to courtesy, both Ministers discussed areas for collaboration between two countries.

Statement by H.E. Faizullah Zaki Acting Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled, I. R. of Afghanistan to the 106th International Labor Conference, Geneva, June 7, 2017 Excellencies, Dear colleagues, We just got the news about a brutal terrorist act in Islamic Republic of Iran. Let me, on behalf of my delegation, express our sympathy an deepest condolences to distinguished Iranian delegation here and through them to their government and people. Mr. President, Please allow me to congratulate you for your election as the President of ILC 2017. We are confident that the Conference will achieve its objectives as set forth in the agenda under your leadership and guidance. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you and the Conference that Afghanistan firmly stands behind its commitments and obligations to implement the ILO Conventions that it has ratified to date. Ladies and Gentlemen, In the context of Green work, the DG rightfully said quote “the decent jobs of future will not be green by definition, they will be green by our desire. We need policies to make transition happen and to make it just.” Unquote. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is a signatory party to the Paris Climate Agreement, and fully understands and supports the logic behind the Green Initiative. There is a role for all countries, including those with limited resources, to deliver an agenda that is climate friendly, developmental oriented, and socially just, through a genuine social dialogue. Indeed this has been our vision which has guided us in development of strategic directions and programs such as Afghanistan Sustainable Development Goals (ASDG), Afghan National Peace and Development Framework (ANPDF), National Priority Program (NPP), Citizens Charter and Jobs for Peace. Afghanistan has a unique potential to create and maintain hundreds of thousands of works in the areas of agriculture, natural resources and mining, energy, infrastructure and connectivity. The government aims to transform these potentials into investment and subsequently to Green Work and Sustainable Development. Meanwhile, Green economy requires new sets of skills for which a robust reform of the TVET system is fundamental. This way we can be aligned with the needs of the new centenary which President of ILO strongly emphasized on. We believe girls and women have a key role in the transition from inequality to meaningful development and prosperity. The Women Economic Empowerment program is an important national commitment that the government thrives toward it. The program includes women’s socio-economic participation, women’s education, access to market, financial literacy and more. Mr. President, Governance and management of labor migration, within the country for returnees and IDPs, is an important priority for the government of Afghanistan. DG Ryder was absolutely right when said quote “everybody is needed to build governance that makes migration safe, orderly and regular” unquote. Afghanistan received around one-million returnees from neighboring countries last year and near the same size is expected to return this year. Creation of work is the most effective strategy for their successful reintegration into the society and toward a stable future. Meanwhile, a vibrant work market will attract Afghans especially young people to contribute in the country’s development and more importantly protect them from being attracted to the menace of human trafficking, illicit drugs and violent extremism. Ladies and Gentlemen, Afghan workers, for decades, have served as recognized part of the regional labor market. However, continued tension and conflict in the region resulted to a situation, whereby irregular migrants substituted the orderly and legal economic migration. The last has created challenges to migrants as well as to the host countries. I would like to express Afghanistan’s willingness in cooperating with countries in the region to find and implement an effective and durable solution to overcome this. We wish ILO with its institutional experiences assist Afghanistan to access regional work market based on international norms and regulations. To enable the Afghan workers in meeting standard requirements of the market, Afghanistan National Qualification Authority (ANQA) and TVET Board for ensuring registration, certification and accreditation of labor force is planned. We call for the ILO technical support and guidance on this agenda. Mr. President, The issue of transition from conflict to peace is part of the agenda of this ILO Conference. Hundreds of civilian lives were lost in the last week terrorist events in Kabul. The bloodshed was so immense that led to the international condemnation including from the Security Council, the UN, and many countries. Despite the difficult situation, Kabul hosted an international conference on peace titled “Kabul process” yesterday June 6th in which more than 20 delegations and international organizations attended. We are grateful to all countries, international institutions, and international organizations for their support and engagement with Afghanistan and would like to remind that Afghanistan is flighting in the front line against terror – Afghanistan’s success in this fight will be a success to the international community and all those who supported Afghanistan in the last years. Mr. President, Allow me to express the full support of Afghan government for the right of decent work for Palestinian workers with a view to fostering full statehood for the Palestinians living in peace with their neighbors. I thank you.


NEAR Embassy and Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the UN Office in Geneva