Arthro Medics, #shoulder and elbow center, PD Dr. med. Claudio Rosso
Gesamtes Spektrum der komplexen Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie.
Sportmedizin, Sportmedizinische Abklärungen.
Zweitmeinungen Zentrum für Schulter - und Ellenbogen
Orthopädischer Chirurg FMH mit Spezialisierung
in Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie
Von der Arthroskopie (Rotatorenmanschette und Instabilität) bis hin zur Schulter- oder Ellenbogen-Prothese
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facebook.comBowlen mit unserer befreundeten Hausarztpraxis #hausarzt #bowling #shoulderinbowling #slap
Telephone conference with ESSKA Elbow and Wrist Committee. #esska #elbowwrist #wrist #elbow #research #activecommittee #telco #esskaglasgow #interkongress #arthroshoulder #arthromedics
Anatomy is pretty similar to ours. So did dinosaurs also have rotator cuff ruptures? And cuff arthropathy? Hmmm. #cuffarthropathy #rotatorcuff #shoulder #dinosaur #dinosaurier #shoulder problems #tendonrupture #shoulderblade #scapula
Today OR day in Obach to help for Latarjet and rotator cuffs. Thank you for inviting me, Andreas. #obach #mitek #johnsonandjohnson #latarjet #rotatorcuff #shouldersurgery #happypatient #sportsmedicine #consulting #helping #teaching #instruction
Proud to announce we now take medical care for Pro Boxer @fatonvukshinaj. Thank you for your confidence! #medicaltesting #boxing #swissboxing #biomechanicaltesting #lactatetesting #performance
ESSKA European Shoulder Associates Board telephone conference call... #esa #esska #glasgow #esska2018
Merry X-max to everyone and to even more happy patients in 2018. Enjoy the calm end of the year and wishing u a strong start into 2018! 2 images of Basel during X-Mas. Worth a visit even without shoulder or elbow problems :) #happypatient #baselweihnachtsmarkt #basel #wienachtsmärt #baselrulz #arthromedics #merrychristmas #xmas #2018iscoming #shoulder #elbow #shoulderandelbowsurgery #baseltourismus
Great teaching at the #SSIPM course in #bern. A lot of #shoulder and #elbow problems can be solved by #infiltrations.
Letztes Meeting der Expertenkommission #basisexamenchirurgie der #FMCH in #bern im @bellevuepalace. Danke für die 8 Jahre! Rücktritt aufgrund anderer Verpflichtungen bei der Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Ortho und Trauma sowie der #ESSKA und #AGA. Nachfolger bestimmt.
Voted for @rogerfederer at the medical faculty meeting to have the doctor honoris causa. Congratulations, Dr Roger Federer! #drrogerfederer
#whatanatmosphere @swissindoorsbasel_official @rogerfederer against @juanmartindelpotro11 #swissindoors
Back @swissindoorsbasel_official for the final @rogerfederer vs @juanmartindelpotro11 . Go Roger. #shoulderandelbow #tennis #swissindoors #basel #joggeli #arthromedics #arthroshoulder #tennisinjuries #tenniselbow #tennisshoulder #posterosuperiorimpingement #throwersshoulder #overheadathletes