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ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology

Messeplatz, Basel, Switzerland
Biotechnology Company



Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology
24 to 27 september 2019 | Messe Basel Matchmaking made easy: whether research and development, piloting, engineering, production
or disposal – ILMAC 2016 is the interactive network platform where you can present your
process and laboratory technology solutions in a highly efficient manner.


ILMAC Lausanne

Die ILMAC stellt der Chemie- und Life Science Community am 4. und 5. Oktober 2017 in Lausanne eine neue Plattform zur Verfügung und schliesst damit die Lücke im französisch sprechenden Schweizer Markt. Die Veranstaltung verbindet in entspannter und geselliger Atmosphäre aktuelle Wissensvermittlung mit qualitativ hochwertigen Produktangeboten. L'ILMAC met, le 4 et 5 octobre 2017 à Lausanne, à la disposition de la communauté chimie et sciences de la vie une nouvelle plate-forme et comble ainsi une lacune sur le marché en Suisse romande. La manifestation associe transfert de connaissances actuelles et offres de produits de haute qualité, dans une atmosphère détendue et conviviale. ILMAC is providing the chemical and life science community with a new platform in Lausanne on 4 and 5 October 2017 and thus closing the gap on the French-speaking Swiss market. In a relaxed and convivial atmosphere, the latest knowledge is to be imparted at this event, coupled with an exhibition of high-quality product offerings.

ILMAC Lausanne

Photos from ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology's post

We would like to say thank all visitors and exhibitors!

Photos from ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology's post

Don't miss the "Dr. Max Lüthi Award 2015 and 2016" at 2 p.m. at the ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology FORUM at Hall 1.1.

Photos from ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology's post

The Swiss Armed Forces Culinary Team ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology… looking for our wellbeing… until tomorrow in hall 1.0, boot C09

Photos from ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology's post

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We are ready? And you? Gallery Nord...

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Preparing the ILMAC Party... don't miss it tonight!

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Don't miss the ILMAC Party tonight @Gallery Messe Basel from 7 pm

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ILMAC 2016

ILMAC 2016 | Impression

ILMAC 2016

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In a few minutes, are you also so excited? #mchgroup #countdown #Ilmac16 #industrie4null

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Welcome to the Ilmac Online Shop - MCH Group | Global Live Marketing

Do you have your Ticket already? We are opening our doors in a few hours...

Photos from ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology's post

Day 3 during the assembly phase... Do you have your Ticket already?

Photos from ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology's post


NEAR ILMAC - Competence in Process and Laboratory Technology