Agrocann is Swiss Licensed Producer of Medical Cannabis. The basis of our genetics is that they are carriers of very high concentrations of CBD.
rqmicro develops and markets rapid microbiological tests to improve overall water and food safety.
5-Diagnostics delivers innovative IVD systems, ready to use assays and biochemicals to the hemostasis research and diagnostic
InSphero is a leading supplier of organotypic 3D microtissues for highly predictive drug testing and disease modeling, with
scientific instruments for the life sciences: hands-free pipetting
Reparação & Manutenção de Computadores (Portáteis e Torre) Reparação de Smartphone's & Iphon's;(diagnóstico gratuito) Actualizações de GPS
Speciality coffee, homemade drinks & spirits, bites
The Jet Club is a club that allows it's members to use the air assets of My Jet Ltd, to fly to destinations on shared private jets, at business class fares
Mit grosser Freude verkünden wir, was schon länger gemunkelt wird: Seigi Sterkoudis, sein Bruder Stelios und Marco Giuliani sind Ihre neuen Gastgeber
Karateverein in Zürich, traditionelles Wadokai Karate für Jugendliche und Erwachsene
Die klassische Massage löst Verspannungen und Schmerzen in Muskeln, dient zur Entspannung und zur Erholung, regt die Durchblutung sowie den Stoffwechsel an
Güzellik salonu
Mission: Best Baguette Seri Backhandwerk strebt danach, die beste Baguette zu backen. Baguettes sind in ausgewählten Geschäften in Zürich erhältlich.