Nebel Bar
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facebook.comWurld @ Nebel: DJ Post-F, Rej Deproc & Lord Soft
Wurld @ Nebel DJ Post-F (acc-ess) Rej Deproc (ça claque) Lord Soft (ça claque) Jersey, Vogue, Bmore, Footwork
Heefli: Fasnacht
Just a little reminder that our beloved Nebel will be closed next week during Fasnacht (6.-9. March). But meet Jonas & the Gang at their Bar in the Pfeffergässlein 10. Some familiar and some Fasnacht exclusive beverages will be served. Nebel will be back open on Friday the 10th of March.
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Tonight from 9–12h: Cratediggers! Come and play, trade and sell your vinyl. #nebel
Lokal Ritual Collective: Synonym Blau / Elia / Millr / Alain
Lokalritual Collective: Synonym Blau / Elia / Millr / Alain House / Techno
Detroit Mania / ALAIN, ADO & LES
Alain, ADO und LES sind in the house mit Detroit, Techno und House. Wem das nicht schon reicht: Es gibt auch auch noch einen Geburtstag und einen Abschied zu feiern.
Grass roots, behold tonight: Vlnolam Kawumski & Arne Molter
Heefli: Fasnacht
From March 6th until 9th, Nebel is closed. But we welcome you to have a special beer, nice longdrink, cheap white wine or glühwein at Heefli! Nach siibe Joor simmer widdr doo! D'Fasnacht deerf widdr ins Heefli am Pfäffrgässli! Kemmet, mr fraie is!
Vlnolam Kawumski & Arne Molter
Well, Arne brings his techi toolbox and Vlnolam his keg of schmaltz to Leben where they knock you up and grease you down with mixed records. Be prepared for unforgettable kitsch an hihats!
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Tonight from 9–12h: Cratediggers! Come and play, trade and sell your vinyl. #nebel
Patula (ZH, Friedas Büxe)
Der Basler Wahlzürcher Patula gastiert für einmal nicht in seinem Heimathafen Friedas Büxe sondern bei uns in der Dunkelkammer. House / Deephouse
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Tonight from 9–12h: Cratediggers! Come and play, trade and sell your vinyl. #nebel
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Check out our guests from Allschwil. KitchenBrew