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Skeppargatan 13, 3 tr, Stockholm, Sweden



Swedish Based Software Company Appendit deliver infrastructure for mobile information. We do:
• Set the iPhone, Android and Blackberry.
• Mobile home pages and websites in Wordpress.
• Mobile ad campaigns with mobile CRM system.
• Mobile magazine and newsletter.
Want to increase your mobility, get more clients and earn more money. Go mobile with us.
Apps (software) to the iPhone, Android and Blackberry
When developing an app, the customer is also a CMS (Content Management System). This means customers can modify the content itself in the app by changing the web-based system. The customer can get the same content in both the iPhone and Android, because apps are loading data from the same place (the server).
Mobile sites
We develop mobile websites, using a CMS. You can choose whether to update the pages yourself, or let us do the maintenance.
Sites in Wordpress
We do both design and layout of data in Wordpress (a CMS). We can copy the contents of the older sites, and strengthen with modern features such as social media and smart pages.
Our system Instant CRM, holding together all the elements of successful advertising. We place banners or text in the mobile ad space. The customers who click for more information, fill in your name and phone number and ask for more details and hey presto, you've got a customer issue. Your vendor to these contact details of their iPhone or web browser, and can immediately contact the customer for a meeting. If there is order, entered it. The system keeps track of which ads and ad spaces that give the most orders over time, and optimize advertising after this.

Mobile magazine and newsletter
Our system Instant Publishing, is a plugin for InDesign. With its help, you can publish individual articles, newspapers and magazines, to iPad, iPhone, Android and mobile web browsers. It can automatically place ads between articles. Pay Newspapers can charge for single copies or prenummerationer. An app is included for each magazine.





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