Top Local Places

MGM & Productions

, Malmö, Sweden



Välkommen till Martin Grahn Media & Productions Facebook-sida ! Welcome to Martin Grahn Media & Productions !

We are a small business from Malmö, Sweden, mainly focused on outdoors photography & giving small businesses a good deal on good quality, personalized commercials and video introductions of there company.

If you have a business, or just about anything that you would like to have on video, we can provide for everything that you need, cameraman, camera, and editing, all after your own specifications!

Have a wedding coming up?

Someones birthday?

A new family member ?

Need someone to take all the pictures so that you can relax and enjoy the party?

Please, give us a call and we will provide high definition, professional looking photos from whatever event! ( we can also provide upsized images if you like us to! )



NEAR MGM & Productions

Rosent tobak

Malmö, Sweden
Event planning/event services