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Monbijougatan 17H, Malmö, Sweden



S!GNAL - Center for Contemporary Art Signal is a Center for Contemporary Art focusing on the production, presentation, discourse and promotion of contemporary art, run by a group of artists and curators.




Sista veckan, denna veckan! Vi har öppet tors-fre 12-18 & lör-sön 12-16. Kom förbi! / Last week, this week! We're open Thurs-Fri noon-6pm & Sat-Sun noon-4pm. Come by!


Tre var för sig starka verk får nytt liv

"with wounds of clarity / with wounds of dust" i Sydsvenskan idag. Vi har öppet lör-sön 12-16, varmt välkomna!

Film: Bright Leaves by Ross McElwee

Ikväll kl 19! / Tonight at 7pm!

Film: Bright Leaves by Ross McElwee

Film: Bright Leaves by Ross McElwee

Oskar’s Gold Nuggets: Bright Leaves by Ross McElwee Introduction by Oskar Hallberg Thursday 8 June 2017 7pm Bright Leaves (2003), 105 min Bright Leaves describes a journey taken across the social, economic, and psychological tobacco terrain of North Carolina by Ross McElwee, a native Carolinian whose great-grandfather created the famous brand of tobacco known as “Bull Durham.” Part mystery, part ethical inquiry, this film is a subjective, autobiographical meditation on the allure of cigarettes and their troubling legacy for the state of North Carolina. It’s about loss and preservation, addiction and denial. And it’s about filmmaking – homemovie, documentary, and fiction filmmaking – as the filmmaker fences with the legacy of an obscure 1950′s Hollywood melodrama, purportedly based on his great-grandfather’s life, starring Gary Cooper. Oskar’s Gold Nuggets is an ongoing series of film screenings where our neighbor and cineaste Oskar Hallberg from Cinema Panora presents a film in dialogue with the current exhibition on view.

Film: Bright Leaves by Ross McElwee

Den unga jorden

Ikväll kl 19 på Signal - varmt välkomna!

Den unga jorden

Den unga jorden - Andreas Mangione & Frans Josef Petersson

Metod Andreas Mangione & Frans Josef Petersson med förlaget Den unga jorden Onsdag 31 maj 2017 kl 19 Konstnären Andreas Mangione tillsammans med konstkritikern och redaktören Frans Josef Petersson är personerna bakom det nystartade förlaget Den unga jorden, ett konstboksförlag där det utgivna vill visa på och själv utgöra ett "promenadens motstånd". Andreas Mangione och Frans Josef Petersson kommer till Signal för att dela med sig av intentioner, upprinnelser, planer och motiv för deras nystartade samarbetsprojekt samt bakgrunden till förlagets första publikation Optimisten, en pocketbok med verk av Andreas Mangione och efterord av Frans Josef Petersson. Samtalet hålls på svenska. Metod är en återkommande serie föreläsningar som lyfter fram olika arbetsmetoder inom konst och kultur. Varmt välkomna! *** Metod Andreas Mangione & Frans Josef Petersson with the publishing house Den unga jorden Wednesday 31 May 2017 7pm Artist Andreas Mangione together with art critic and editor Frans Josef Petersson are the persons behind the publishing house Den unga jorden (The young earth), an art book publisher where the publications seek to trace and in themselves constitute a “walk of resistance”. Andreas Mangione and Frans Josef Petersson are coming to Signal to share the intentions, origins, plans and motifs behind their recently started collaborative publishing project, and introduce their first publication Optimisten (The Optimist), a paperback with works by Andreas Mangione and an afterword by Frans Josef Petersson. The conversation will be held in Swedish. Metod is an ongoing series of talks about working methods within the field of contemporary art and culture. A warm welcome!

Den unga jorden - Andreas Mangione & Frans Josef Petersson

Photos from SIGNAL's post

with wounds of clarity / with wounds of dust Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Emil Westman Hertz, and chants by María Sabina 28 April–18 June 2017

Photos from SIGNAL's post

Timeline Photos

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz and Emil Westman Hertz. We're open today 12-4pm #withwoundsofclaritywithwoundsofdust

Timeline Photos

Photos from SIGNAL's post

with wounds of clarity / with wounds of dust Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Emil Westman Hertz, and chants by María Sabina Thank you all for joining us for the opening of this beautiful show!

Photos from SIGNAL's post

Timeline Photos

with wounds of clarity / with wounds of dust: Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Emil Westman Hertz, and chants by María Sabina. Opens today at 7pm - yes, come by SIGNAL! #beatrizsantiagomuñoz #emilwestmanhertz #mariasabina

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Blæksprutte (Octopus), 2013 by Emil Westman Hertz #emilwestmanhertz #withwoundsofclaritywithwoundsofdust

Timeline Photos

Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Emil Westman Hertz, and chants by María Sabina: with wounds of clarity / with wounds of dust - Announcements - e-flux

Vernissage nu på fredag - varmt välkomna! / Opening this Friday - very welcome!


We have Radio Books and BLESS in our library for rainy Sundays. Open today 12-4 pm #radio_athenes #BLESS #signal_signal_signal

We have Radio Books and BLESS in our library for rainy Sundays. Open today 12-4 pm #radio_athenes #BLESS #signal_signal_signal

Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania (1972) by Jonas Mekas. Tonight 7pm @Signal - Welcome! #jonasmekas #signal_signal_signal

Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania (1972) by Jonas Mekas. Tonight 7pm @Signal - Welcome! #jonasmekas #signal_signal_signal

Pier Paolo Pasolini. Den heliga kroppen

Pier Paolo Pasolini. Den heliga kroppen

Talk: Pier Paolo Pasolini. The sacred body by Lars Gustaf Andersson. Tonight at 7pm @ Signal. Welcome! #pierpaolopasolini #iliaspapailiakis #larsgustafandersson #signal_signal_signal

Talk: Pier Paolo Pasolini. The sacred body by Lars Gustaf Andersson. Tonight at 7pm @ Signal. Welcome! #pierpaolopasolini #iliaspapailiakis #larsgustafandersson #signal_signal_signal

Eleni Bagaki and BLESS. The first chapter of ...this is Radio Athènes @ S!GNAL #elenibagaki #BLESS #radio_athenes #exhibition #signal_signal_signal

Eleni Bagaki and BLESS. The first chapter of ...this is Radio Athènes @ S!GNAL #elenibagaki #BLESS #radio_athenes #exhibition #signal_signal_signal

#patent pending

#patent pending

Opening tomorrow Friday 18/11 7-9pm. Welcome friends! #radio_athenes #signal_signal_signal #elenibagaki #BLESS

Opening tomorrow Friday 18/11 7-9pm. Welcome friends! #radio_athenes #signal_signal_signal #elenibagaki #BLESS

Last weekend of c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶n̶s̶u̶s with Katinka Bock, Dana DeGiulio, Raha Raissnia - don't miss! #katinkabock #danadegiulio #raharaissnia #signal_signal_signal

Last weekend of c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶n̶s̶u̶s with Katinka Bock, Dana DeGiulio, Raha Raissnia - don't miss!
#katinkabock #danadegiulio #raharaissnia #signal_signal_signal




Malmö, Sweden
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