Free Bicycle Workshop, where you can get advice and use tools to fix your bicycle. You can also volunteer or bring bike/tools/spare parts you don't need. We do not help people to cut open bicycle locks.
INFORMATION angående verksamhet för ungdomar från HVB-hem.
Om ni vill komma som en grupp (3 st eller fler) måste ni boka en egen tid. Då får ni den bästa hjälpen utan att störa vår ordinarie verksamhet. DET ÄR ALLTSÅ INTE LÄMPLIGT ATT DYKA UPP MED EN STÖRRE GRUPP UNDER VÅRA VANLIGA ÖPPETTIDER PÅ TISDAG- OCH ONSDAGKVÄLLAR. Vi kan då hjälpa er att laga era egna cyklar eller beroende på tillgång erbjuda donerade cyklar som deltagarna får ta med sig hem efter att de har lagat dem under dagen hos oss.
Bokar gör ni vi mail till; Vi genomför aldrig bokningar via telefon och sådana är aldrig giltiga. Vi bokar aldrig in grupper på tisdag- och onsdagkvällar, då det krockar med vår övriga verksamhet.
Tell your friends
facebook.comOur bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy (cash or Swish, no bank cards). Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)
There will be no workshop on Wednesday 1 November due to a theater performance at Stenkrossen.
Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy. Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)
Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy. Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)
Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy. Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)
Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy. Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)
Time for a new semester at Bike Kitchen Lund. And now we want you to help out as a volunteer! We have a lot of fun together and it´s often more easy then you think to help others fix their bikes. If youre interested in becoming a volunteer just write to us here on facebook. Welcome!
Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy. Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)
Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. There will be volunteers there to guide you. Used spare parts are available free of charge and basic new parts are available to buy. Welcome! We (=you) start cleaning up at 20:15h, so coming after 20:00h does not make much sense. New volunteers are very welcome!! Just drop in :-)