Welcome to the research program Beyond the Welfare State: Europeanization of Swedish Civil Society Organizations (EUROCIV) Civil society organizations (CSOs) play a key role in every society as they represent groups of citizens, provide them with a collective identity, make their ‘voice’ heard by decision-makers and influence societal norms. During recent years, the EU has become increasingly interested into issues regarding civil society and the role civil society organizations (CSOs) can play at local, national and European levels.
This research program – Beyond the welfare state: Europeanization of Swedish civil society organizations (EUROCIV) – will provide a comprehensive analysis of how processes of Europeanization affect Swedish civil society organizations (CSO) working with welfare policy.
The EUROCIV program will analyse how Swedish CSOs, strategically, make use of the European Union (EU) as a new political opportunity structure and in a series of thematic studies investigate the dynamic interaction between EU-institutions, EU-based networks of CSOs and national collective actors.
The EUROCIV program (Ref. 2010-1678) brings together researchers from social work, political science and sociology and the program is funded by the Swedish Research Council as part of its strategy to strengthen Swedish civil society research.
The EUROCIV program is led by Prof. Anna Meeuwisse and Prof. Håkan Johansson at the School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.
For a full description of the research program, please click here
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Keywords: Civil Society, Civil Society Organizations, European Union, Europeanization, Lobbying, Interest groups, European, Sweden, Social movements, Social movement organizations, Political Opportunity Structure
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