Linköpings universitet. Utbildningar i Möbeldesign, Möbelsnickeri, Möbeltapetsering och Möbelkonservering. Learning by Doing!
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facebook.comOur Danish friends succeeded to tie a recent planing competition against Japan, respect :-)! World Championships will be arranged at Malmstens in 2019. Watch out for further information about this event that will take place in connection with our forthcoming symposium "Cabinetmaking Tools & Techniques - Past, Present & Future"!
Yet another award to a Malmsten student, congrats Björn :-)!
Malmstens are working hard to establish new international contacts. Besides former contacts with Mexico and China we're now also having talks with university representatives in Chile, Cuba, Japan, Denmark and in the near future also with Switzerland and France.
A month ago our 1st year students got a plank each in four different woods. Their task were to design and make a stool taking into consideration a number of aspects such as qualities of their specific wood, comfort and possible multiple functions. Come and see the final results tomorrow Saturday between 13.00 -16.00!
Our 2nd year students are in Jönköping at Elmia Subcontractor for a workshop in collaboration with Interior Cluster Sweden. Obviously it will take some time until everyone learn to use our new name which is MALMSTENS LiU and nothing else :-)
Most welcome!
...and on Thursday another two recent alumni on TV4, this time Marie Carlsson and Magdalena Marano, we wish them luck :-)!
Don't miss our alumni Erik Lith and Hannes Lundin on SVT tomorrow Wednesday!
We at Malmstens are proud and honoured to represent Linköping University and Sweden at SUECIAKONSTCUBA in Havana. Stay tuned for further information and pics :-)!
Please notify that we also publish pics on INSTAGRAM!
Our yearly Spin Top competition went underway last week. Many thanks to Master Craftsman Paul Kovac for introducing our students in the noble Art of Turning :-)!