Sahlgrenska Bruna Stråket 5
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Ultraljudskurs i sjukgymnastikens lokaler. #blödarsjuka #ultraljud #läkare #sjuksköterska #fysioterapeuter
Lite snö i alla fall 🙄
Fredag ☀️
Rolig kollega
På #avd136 plåstrar vi om mer än bara patienterna. #SUsbästaavdelning
Göteborgsväder utanför fönstret idag 😕🌫 där i fjärran finns #botaniska
Öppenvården besökte sluten, med ett fantastiskt lucia tåg❤️🔚
lyckan att ljudboka med stans bästa bose lurar 🙏🏼😎
Today is my fourteenth cancer treatment, and as always you have a lot of time to think and evaluate what is happening in your life. I'm just trying to find the purpose of all the choices and decisions that I have made over the last 6 months and what path is in front of me. And as always I send some thoughts to all of you that has given me all that support on the way. I know it's hard to see some one you care for struggle (believe me), and some times it's hard for me to look people in the eyes out of fear of burden their feelings. Thanks for all the love #cancer #livingwhitcancer #mylife #myway #mystory #accept #accepted #accepting #acceptyourself #acceptinglife #beliveinyourselfandstaystrong #dennisalenius
1096 dagar dvs 3 år med " Guldklimpen" dvs njuren som Göran donerade. Idag sprang jag trapporna i dubbla steg. # njurtransplantation# merorgandonation#livingdonation