Welcome to explore our state of the art winter test proving grounds in the north of Sweden.
Arctic Falls started 1988 as the first permanent proving ground for
winter testing in Sweden. It is a locally based private company with
a strong customer focus, totally independent from the motor industry.
Today Arctic Falls has five winter test proving grounds, one for vehicle
and vehicle systems and four for testing winter tyres. Arctic Falls has
very favourable climate conditions, with five months of natural winter
each year. We offer perfect test conditions and a 50 percent longer
winter season, with most of the test tracks on land.
You can also assign complete tests to Arctic Falls and we offer
skilled tyre fitters and experienced durability drivers.
Tell your friends
facebook.comEvaluation of new preparation equipment
One of our service vehicles at the facility Vitberget proving ground
Hard working photographers for a customer event
Second day of a customer event started early
Indoor flex under construction
weather conditions are still perfect for testing
Due to lots of cold days, and less warm days the maintenance works needs to be changed
The cold does not stop us. -32 degrees and photography of one of our facilities
Today The National Innovation Council has a meeting in Skellefteå and our CEO is invited to participate.
Things happens on the building of Indoor flex
Our customer use their free time in different ways. Forexample enjoying the snow and build snow caves.
Yesterdays after work, a nice eveing with nice customers!
Obwohl es hier gerade, für die Einheimischen, "sommerlich" warm ist (bei mehreren Minusgraden), bleibt der Schnee liegen und es ergibt sich eine wunderschöne Landschaft. Übrigens ab 14 Uhr geht die Sonne unter und um 15:00 ist es dann dunkel. #holiday #sweden #lapland #scandinavia #polarcircle #longnights

Viajamos, algunos de nosotros para siempre, para buscar otros estados, otras vidas, otras almas.

Bölade såklart. #storforsen #piteälven

Magic place❤️ #bordercollie #ilovemydog #cute #bestfriend #waterfalls #instagram #instadaily #dog

Happy evening✨😃🇸🇪location:Storforsen,Sweden #ig_today #igscandinavia #world_bestsky #worldbestgram #sweden_photolovers #midsummer#bns_reflection #match_sky #loves_sweden #loves_skyandsunset #nature_brilliance #jj_skylove #igworld_global #ffn_member #igglobalwomenclub #igglobalclubhdr #animazing_nature #bestnatureshot #ig_great_pics#bns_shot#bns_sky#wu_sweden

✨🇸🇪✨🇸🇪Glad Midsommar🇸🇪✨🇸🇪✨Happy midsummer😃I'm enjoying a cup of coffe with a gorgeous view ☕️🍩 😃not much moore I need😊location:Storforsen,Norrbotten,Sweden#ig_today #midsommar#midsummer #sweden_photolovers #worldbestgram #world_bestsky #igscandinavia#match_sky #loves_sweden #loves_skyandsunset #ffn_member #igworld_global #igglobalclubhdr #igglobalwomenclub #animazing_nature #nature_brilliance #bestnatureshot #ig_great_pics #norrbotten#loves_united_sweden#loves_scandinavia#wu_sweden


Storforsen! Jokkmokk närmar sig.

Snøscooterkjøring i Luleå med #yokohama #nord-sverige #scooter #moroskaldetvære ❄️🚗

Snö finns det iaf ❄️☀️
