We have created this page to find loving homes mainly for the" less" (in social standards) beautiful and slightly disabled kittens. Unfortunately they are always dismissed but deserve the same, if not more, love! We are a registered charity, that is putting its own funds together to help cats and kittens in finding homes for them; giving them medical treatment and vaccination and also neutering as many stray cats as possible, so there will be less abandoned or killed kittens in the future.
We also care for sick kittens and cats, that have no chance to be adopted and require more daily attention.
With the help of our friendly and like-minded vets, we hope to improve the situation of the cat population in this area.
Esther, Antonio, Raquel, Elena, Pablo
for making it all possible.
A long term dream of turning our love for animals into a reality is starting to take shape....
Brygida and Viola.
If you would like to help our work, you can donate through:
Even the smallest amount helps. Thank you on behalf of animals rescued.
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Any fans of ginger-white kitties please? Must be here in Spain, as he is much too young to travel. George is looking for his loving home.. He is a little orphan who was found crying and being starved for so long. Please share this post. BiVi Ariel
This is a video showing you how much fatter George got. He is the little orphan, who´s mum died and who was found by someone starving and extremely thin. He was crying very loud , being very hungry. Now he put on weight in Veronica Van de Laar home and he is ready for adoption. He is only around 8-10 weeks. so is not able to go abroad. He is also still little bit scared, but since he is so young, he will get used to people and other cats. Poor boy must have been terrified living alone without his mums help. Please share this video, maybe someone here locally would love little ginger white boy. If we will not find a home for him soon, he will have to go to the vets for adoption, which means, we will have no updates on how he is doing. Please share as much as possible, especially if you know ginger kittens fans. Thank you. <3
Photos from Kittens In Distress's post
Little Smokey, who was thrown out of the window of a driving car and thankfully was spotted by Veronica driving behind, has been delivered today by Tatjana to his new home in Amsterdam. You can imagine how upset Veronica was having to say goodbye to Smokey,after she rescued him and bottle fed him and had him in her home for four months. It must have been very hard,but she knows, that if she would keep him, she would not be able to rescue anymore kittens. Smokey has a very good home now, where I am sure he will be spoilt completely. Thank you Annemiek Schrjver for adopting this little very lucky boy. <3 BiVi Ariel
Photos from Kittens In Distress's post
Here is an update on India, who was abandoned into the colony of feral cats in Quesada. She was understandably very scared. Petter, who feeds this colony took her to Madagascar for adoption,but nobody wanted her. She was always sitting there looking sad. The shop needed space for small kittens and asked Petter to take her back, but the only place he could have taken her was back on the street. Thankfully after my appeal here Anne, who lives near Murcia and has a house and big garden around it in a campo offered to take India. India must have been an only cat before she was dumped by her family,because she does not like to mix with other cats.But in Anna´s place she is safe as the cats there are all friendly, not feral. India found there her own space, where she eats and sleeps.She likes going around the place, venturing into olive tree groves. Thank you Anne for wanting her, when there was no chance of finding a home for India and for the update. She looks really beautiful and very well looked after. <3 BiVi Ariel
Timeline Photos
Little Sophie ( Before Snowy ) also in Andi´s home in Northern Ireland, lost her front leg, but is loved by Andi and her son Ryan and by all cats there. She grew so much now and looks beautiful. Thank you Andi Davidson <3 BiVi Ariel
Photos from Kittens In Distress's post
As a first post in New Year I want to write an update on our old man Angelo, who´s family here in Spain, got fed up with his vet treatments for his mouth infections ( just like Oliver,that needs regular treatments) and asked vets to put him to sleep. The vets kept him for many many months, treating his mouth all the time. Last year finally Angelo could leave the clinic,because Andi in Northern Ireland adopted him. When his mouth got very inflamed, Andi´s vets removed the growth from his mouth. Since the adoption he needed to have few operations on his growth as they coming back. He had even an operation two days ago. Now is ok again and eating. Nobody knows for how long and when the next growth will come back. These are the illnesses of cats,that people don´t immunise against ( in Oliver´s case don´t neuter). Many times cats are just fed by their family, but once they become ill - they become a nuisance - something, that needs to be removed from home - either by bringing to the vet for killing or by throwing them out of the house all together. People don´t want to take responsibility and costs. That is why immunisation and neutering are so important. And they all deserve a warm home and love. Angelo was so lucky to have that in his older years. Thank you Andi and Ryan - her son- for taking such a good care of this lovely boy. He looks so good now. <3 BiVi Ariel
Thank you again to all of you here, who have helped me in any way to save animals. We need to continue as long as we will be able to do it - together. Animals are so vulnerable and so depending on us to protect them and to make their lives better. Lets hope, that in the next year we will save even more of them. Thank you all great people <3 BiVi Ariel
Photos from Kittens In Distress's post
When I shared the post of the three kittens in Torrevieja, that we want to give for adoption, of course I did not checked and there was only one kitten on the pictures - Fluff. So here are the pictures now of all of them, that we are hoping to find homes for. Fluff, the long haired ginger will be most likely going to Holland. BiVi Ariel
Adoptie katten en kittens uit Spanje: Kittens in Distress
There are three lovely kittens ( not very young ) in the colony in Torrevieja that Veronica and Govert are feeding. One long hair ginger, called Fluff, One black and white called I think Charlie (as Charlie Chaplin, although Tatjana wanted to call him Adolf lol) and another ginger with one damaged eye which Tatjana called Steve. She really has a weird sense of humour lololol. Anyway, we decided, that because they are quite friendly, they should go for adoption, because in summer there are many cars driving nearby, that had killed many already and also lots of people are coming to their summer homes and decide to put poison to get rid of cats around their homes. They need to be socialised first and since Smokey will be going in few days to Holland, Veronica will have space to work with them. They took yesterday first one Fluff, and now he is in the vet for check up and flea and worm treatment ( you can see they have many fleas, scratching their bodies all the time ) and getting his documents. Fluff spent last night in their home. he is scared, but not aggressive. I just saw on our Dutch page that someone is already interested in him. Lets hope he will have a home soon. BiVi Ariel
Photos from Kittens In Distress's post
I need to write here about one special kitten, that was staying in Veronica s home for the past three months. At that time I had little Polly ( now Prim ) and four tabby kittens as well as later Sissi and Lucy at home.. I did not write abut Smokey, because he was reserved to go to Holland almost straight away ( who would not love him? ). Now this week Tatjana is here and finally the time came, that Smokey will be going with her to Holland to his new home. need to hear his story: One day in September Veronica was driving in Torrevieja , on the road outside of the centre. In front of her was a car driving very slow. There was a grass area next to the road and Veronica saw something small and black being thrown out of the slowly moving car into the grass. Veronica is always very good in seeing everything. Thankfully it was not me there driving, as I would never even notice anything being thrown out. So she looked towards it and it was lying on the ground moving little legs in the air. She stopped and when she went over, she saw a tiny black kitten, maybe 4 days old. Lovely people who threw him out from the window of a moving car,, aren´t they? She took him and bottle fed him. Thankfully he survived although he is smaller, that kittens his age. For that reason he needed to stay longer here before being able to travel. How lucky he was in all this, but how many are not. cruel humans treating little creatures just like rubbish.... Unbelievable... On the 2 of January Smokey will be going with Tatjana to Holland, where he will be delivered to his new family, who reserved him very early, after Tatjana posted him on our Dutch site. I am sure they can not wait to meet him. I was looking after him before Christmas, when Veronica and Govert went for few days to Holland. Smokey, Pepper ( Carlitos sister and Tina ) were staying with me and he is so adorable. Very very lucky baby.... BiVi Ariel
Photos from Kittens In Distress's post
It is such a shame, that Oliver is not nice to my other cats. He needs to stay locked up all day and only come out when the others are sleeping. Any time he see one of my cats , he straight run to them and annoys them. I have tried so many times, but it all ends up with my cats screaming and running away. He wants to start the fight. He stresses them. it is a shame , because he could have a nice time during the day here. The only one, that he likes is Lucy. I have no idea why. And she is now fine with all my other cats. When the others go sleep to their room around 6 pm ( in the winter) I keep Lucy with me, because she wants to eat soft food only and she needs all the cuddles too after her being so close to death on the streets. Lucy has only 3 teeth and her tongue sticks out when she sleeps and Oliver is missing some teeth, so both of them are making great funny couple. Despite his feline aids, he became a big cat now. Lucy after being so anaemic and losing hair, she is very chunky girl now. Her bacterial nose infection is going away, which means she can breathe better and the eye, that was very bad is getting also better. BiVi Ariel
THANK YOU SO MUCH to: NEIL WILSON ( who adopted our Vespa) for sending 20 euro towards little George. The poor orphan hasn´t eaten for a very long time, which made him so skinny. With special recovery food and love and care that Veronica is giving him, I hope he will recover. Thank you Neil again. <3