Cassie Lomas Hair & Makeup Artist With a strong passion for makeup Anouszka has the ability to provide a profesional service dedicated to forfill your every satisfaction.
Anouszka's experience started from her modeling career traveling agross the world with PHA Modeling Agency from a young age, giving her a strong background of working alongside photographers and the set crew.
Growing up in a fashion influenced industry and having studied Business Studdies she challenged herself to be an entrapenure going into buisness with her mother. With a strong drive to become a sucessfull independant business woman her roles as manager, buyer and wardrobe stylist payed of as she was able to attend the Cassie Lomas Makeup Academy.
Anouszka's ambitions are to devlope and learn new skills to enable herself to be versitile in all aspects of the makeup industry. The best is yet to come the rest is still unwritten...
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