English-speaking debating society in Barcelona We are a debating society at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, founded and run by students of this and other institutions in Barcelona.
We promote debating in English by means of regular meetings, workshops, and – surprisingly – debates. The latter generally follow the rules and structure of the so called "British Parliamentary Style" (check the wikipedia entry for details:
Through debating, we aim at training the communication, presentation and argumentation skills of our members in an international context. We consider thus the preparation for and participation in debating tournaments abroad as an essential part of the activities within our society.
Here's a list of some of the motions we have discussed so far:
- This House Would use drones as means of warfare against terrorism
-THW punish the parents of fat children
-THW take away voting rights for prisoners
-THW lower sentences for prisioners who participate in medical tests
-THW would take away all forms of art public financing
-TH, as president Xi Jin Ping, would allow full and free elections for Hong Kong
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facebook.comMaastricht Open 2016
Maastricht Open 2016 Finals
Today there is no debate, but if you would like to learn a little bit from home you can watch this video of the Grand Final of the Maastricht Open 2016. Amazing debate, guaranteed!
Remember that today we are debating as usual! Tournaments are approaching, so do not miss any chance of training!
Timeline Photos
Maastricht Open 2016 is about to finish, and our debaters have already done their hard job there. Congratulations! Next month, other members of BDS will be debating at Vienna IV and at Paris Open.
Model European Union Barcelona
If you would like to participate in a simulation of the European Union in Barcelona from May 11th to 14th, you have until April 24th to apply! Get to know what's like to be a member of the European Parliament, a Primer Minister in the Council, a lobbyist or a member of the press team! With initiatives like this one, we help create a world in which debate and critical thinking are the rule and not the exception!
Tomorrow, 6pm, classroom 40.147, we are back!
Hey debaters! Remember that tomorrow we will NOT have debating session, but don't stop studying and practicing because on April 11th we are back and because there are some tournaments approaching! Here you can take a look at a preliminary briefing created for preparation for Warsaw EUDC:
Last debate session before Easter!
Barcelona Debating Society's cover photo
Debating sessions
Debating sessions
Will Donald Trump really destroy the GOP? Don't bet on it. On yesterday's motion: