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INN SAFE HANDS Children's Home

Schauderville, Port Elizabeth, South Africa



Inn Safe Hands is a Foster Cluster Home.

We care for 13 kids...  5 are teenagers, 7 are at Primary school and a baby. Three house mothers care for them.  INN SAFE HANDS is a nonprofit organisation that assists in the prevention, education, treatment, recovery, and reintegration of vulnerable, missing and sexually exploited children.

Services we offer include:

•   providing services and working with families of missing, vulnerable and
        sexually exploited children,
•   supporting law enforcement and other community groups, and
•   offering education and awareness programs to promote child protection.
•   Bringing awareness of unwanted sexual solicitations, harassment  and
        pornography online,
•   Helpline - A resource available to the general public that helps link people in  
        need of help with community-based organizations.
•   Parenting Education - Becoming a Love & Logic Parent is a 7-module parenting
        class intended to help adults improve their parenting skills and confidence.

•   Community Outreach & Education
        Community presentations are available through our Speakers Bureau and  

        cover a variety of child abuse/neglect topics.
       Mandated Reporter Trainings - Provided to early childhood educators, school  
      districts and the faith community.
•    Presentations on a variety of educational topics to strengthen  
      families and offer information on child abuse/neglect and its prevention.



Kids saying goodbye to our German volunteer who really crept so deep into our hearts.

Our Christmas treat at Clicks walmer park. And I also got a present. So honoured. What a surprise for me.

Our playland adventures.

Redrock Spur treating my cery clever cutiepie on her 9th birthday.

What a fun day today playland ,rides for Africa. And off to Spur. Redrock Spur to treat my A student Liyanda Hermanus on her birthday. 7 x7 levels. And 6s wow mommy s really proud of u my clever Angel. Enjoy the entire camp. You all deserve this treat . With tears in my heart i know it was tough to make this happen but we are going to eat mom best dishes. From the depth of my heart to my babies.

Saltlake creche.

Stop domestic violence now! Domestic violence is not just physical violence. Abuse can be verbal, emotional, psychological, financial, and sexual. If someone in your household is using abuse to control you, take steps to stop the abuse. Ensure your safety with the following tips: • Have emergency phone numbers memorized. • Discuss safety planning with your children. Teach them about 10111 and other important numbers. • Keep change for pay phones, a prepaid calling card, or a fully-charged cell phone on your person at all times. • Open your own bank account, if you can. • Resist the temptation to isolate yourself. Stay in touch with friends and neighbors. • Practice and rehearse how to get out of your home safely and what to do once you get out. • Have a back-up plan. • Keep a packed bag with a set of car keys, money, a change of clothes, and important documents in a safe place or with a trusted friend. • Call your local shelter or domestic violence program.


Thank you to my long time friendship with an amazing committed organization Pops foundation. We started out small together. And today you have touched the hearts of many . You have reach out to very real situations of poverty . you have put a smile on so many children's faces. You have especially filled big gaps which organization s lacked major funding , you filled the needs list. Thank you to all of you who work so hard and many a day without a thank you or appreciation. We at Inn Safe Hands truly appreciate all u do.

“Don’t turn your face away. Once you’ve seen, you can no longer act like you don’t know. Open your eyes to the truth. It’s all around you. Don’t deny what the eyes to your soul have revealed to you. Now that you know, you cannot feign ignorance. Now that you’re aware of the problem, you cannot pretend you don’t care. To be concerned is to be human. To act is to care.” ― Vashti Quiroz-Vega

“Faith is why I'm here today and faith is why I made it through.” ― Jonathan Anthony Burkett, Neglected But Undefeated: The Life Of A Boy Who Never Knew A Mother's Love
