It's a good school with a high standard pass rate. We offer quality education, for more information contact us
Full service electrician available any time.
Kom dien die Here saam met ons elke Sondag @ 09h00. 69 Kerkstraat , Glencoe. 'n Blywende Tuiste vir 'n soekende siel ! ! !
A place to see and be seen
Created 1993, Biggarsberg Has Breed Hundreds Of Extraordinary Young Minds
We are about to embark on an auspicious and memorable journey, to highlight all our achievements and commemorate our School in its 50th Golden Jubilee Anniversary.
we are an apostolic and prophetic ministry called to be the voice in the city and to reach out to nations and to awaken them in there identity and to assist them to fulfill there divine purpose
We specialise in Branding, Marketing and Empowerment...
Restaurant & Function Venue. The feeling of Satisfaction and the Desire to come back won't leave you!
Where the fun and Adventure never stops! Water slides set in natural vegetation and quad bike trails through the forest
We bake cakes and sweet treats to suite every occasion
Afrikaanse privaat kleuterskool vir Gr. RR-R gefokus op emosionele, liggaamlike en akademiese ontwikkeling.
Home of the vienna and chip parcel.
LPGas Supply and Retail Store