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Anchor Pub & Restaurant

4th Street, Krugersdorp, South Africa



Anchor Pub & Restaurant is the place where family come together. The home of the ANCHOR RIDERS.


Cook-Off Competition Finals 2017 Sparkie VS Mariaan Saturday 2 December 2017 From 11h00 till late Dish: Malaysian Lamb Curry / Boerewors Pot Sponsors: Anchor Pub, Grand Gambling, Distell & Savanna

Sunday Fun... Team Anchor Pub vs Team Anchor Riders on a Ten Pin Bowling Challange . Space was limited to make the teams even but it wil surely grow!!!! Results: ROUND 1 Anchor Pub = 837 pts Anchor Riders= 743 pts ROUND 2 Anchor Pub = 760 pts Anchor Riders= 712 pts TOP 3 BOWLERS OF THE DAY 1st Bra loo 233 pts 2nd Brendon 228 pts 3rd Belinda van Zyl 219 pts HIGHEST individual score Belinda Pretorius 129 pts We had loads of fun See you at the cook off this wednesday!!!!! P.s. any challanges?

Monthly Cook-Off Competition Grand Gaming VS. Anchor Pub 19h00 for 19h30 Dish: Chicken a la King Come and enjoy the evening with us! Everyone welcome! See you then! Cheers!

We have a Red Square Drone to give away this month!!!!You need to buy 2 Red Squares to enter!...Draw will be held on the cookoff this month!!!And as always you need to be here to win it!!!!!Entries open from today!!! See you later....

Congratulations on Christo "Sparkie" Venter on winning the 2nd Semi Final cook off and will go through to the final in November... Soekie also won the Richelieu hamper

All of us from Anchor Pub & Restaurant would like to thank all of you who still supports us ... And to Grand Gaming , Halewood Promo Rep Mario, SAB promo Rep Henro and Distil Promo Rep Arrie for all their hardwork ,Sponsorships in Prizes and Support in cook offs ...Give them all a bells!!!!!

Good day every one... dont forget our 2nd semi final cook off next week wednesday!!! We have the draw on the Richelieu hamper aswell as a flying fish promo with an exciting prize to give away!!! Save the date!!!!

Cook-Off Play out Round 2 Christo VS Andre 19h00 for 19h30 Spaghetti Bolognaise

Congratulations on Mariaan for winning the first Semi final ... Our Next Semi final is due this month and the final due in November... Thanks for everyone who supported them and made the night one to remember!!!! See you all at the next one

Good day everyone....Dont forget our first semi final this thursday !!! See you there!!!

Baie geluk met jou verjaardag Brendon.Mag die dag vir jou wonderlik wees saam vriende en familie.. Van Ons almal af by Anchor ....Cheers!


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