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Umngeni Valley Nature Reserve & Education Centre

1 Karkloof Rd, Howick, South Africa
Sports & Recreation



Situated 1km from Howick (KwaZulu-Natal) at the base of the majestic Howick Falls lies uMngeni Valley Nature Reserve & Education Centre.


Local is lekker! We love it when Howick prep comes to visit. This means that we get to strengthen our local relationships, but best of all we have the chance to see a bunch of our Bush Day Care kiddies again. The guides love how confident and happy they are to be back on the reserve and that they even remember our names. #proudlyhowick

#HappyWomensDay enjoy these inspiring messages from some of the young women on the #WESSA #TBF Tourism Blue Flag project. #PeopleCaringForTheEarth

Congratulations to Amy, from YouthForLions....fantastic news!!!

It was such a pleasure hosting the St Anne's Enviro Club last Friday. We took the bus all the way to the other, less seen, part of the reserve and enjoyed a hike (which included some activities) towards the lower dwarfs dawdle trail.

Laughter and grade 4's shouting: "this is the best excursion ever!", were the sounds that filled the valley on Friday. Just have a look at how impressive the kids from Deccan road primary looked, all wearing their black and yellow sport clothes. #kidsinnature #waveofyellow

Lungi and Vivo running a course this morning for the Enviroquiz participants called: Our Heritage Trail.....focusing on the importance of indigenous knowledge, environmental protection and sustainable living.... #esd #uvnr #livingsustainablythroughtraditionalmeans

Not a bad spot to have an event....

The WESSA / Epworth Enviroquiz is taking place tonight at UKZN....many budding young environmentalists here....

We're so proud of Lindo. This evening he represented WESSA UVNR at the 2017 awards leaders indaba of the president's award SA as the guest speaker. His talk was based on how to conduct a successful hike, with valuable lessons learnt during a hike. He also spoke about how nature plays an important role in unlocking a child's learning experience and about the importance of hike preperation and how it helps hikers have a much more pleasant hike. Go Lindo! #watchthisspace #presidentsaward #meaningfulhikes

Safety is our first priority. Did you know that WESSA Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa has partnered with ER24 Emergency Medical Services ? Therefore we are able to offer Emergency Medical response, stabilisation, emergency medical information and trauma counselling for free to anyone on the property. Medical Transportation is also offered at a reduced rate. The education guides working with groups, as well as various other staff members, are trained first aiders. #firstaidtraining #safetyfirst

Field Guides in the making at uMngeni Valley. After a very successful first year of Junior Field Guides with our Pangolin group (aged 8-12), we decided to also launch the Wild dogs group (aged 13-17). We met them this past Saturday and are extremely excited about the journey that lies ahead with these talented young people. #fgasa #WESSA Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa 🌍 #wilddogs #stopandenjoytheview


NEAR Umngeni Valley Nature Reserve & Education Centre