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International Music Festival "Ursus"

Podkum, 66, Zagorje ob Savi, Slovenia
Concert venue



International Music Festival "Ursus"
Domacija Medved
Podkum, Slovenia

Artistic Director: Marko Zupan


International Music Festival "Ursus"

International Music Festival "Ursus"

International Music Festival "Ursus"'s cover photo

"The only thing better than singing is more singing." Ella Fitzgerald This summer the 3rd International music festival "Ursus" is presenting three concerts with exciting vocal performers. Slovenian traditional songs will be sung by the local ZAGORSKI OKTET. A brazilian singer/performer Daniela Vega will be joined by selected musicians to create a project based on Debussy's "Bilitis". And finally, we will hear the complete Schubert's song cyclus "Schöne Müllerin" performed by the tenor Alexander Hüttner. We are looking forward to seeing you there! "Edino kar je boljše od petja, je še več petja." Ella Fitzgerlad Letos poleti bo 3. Mednarodni glasbeni festival "Ursus" na treh koncertih gostil različne vokalne zasedbe. Zagorski oktet bo prepeval slovenske narodne pesmi, brazilska pevka Daniela Vega bo skupaj z izbranimi glasbeniki izvedla projekt baziran na Debusijevi "Bilitis", nazadnje pa bomo slišali še izvedbo samospevov iz Schubertovega ciklusa "Lepa mlinarica". Veselimo se vašega obiska!

International Music Festival "Ursus"'s cover photo


BLIZU International Music Festival "Ursus"

KUD Zagorski biser

Zagorje ob Savi, Slovenia
Non-profit organization

Zasavska Sveta Gora

, Slovenia
Local business