Z usposobljenimi športnimi svetovalci nudimo širok spekter znanj o zdravem življenjskem slogu, vzdržljivosti in regeneraciji, mišični masi ter hujšanju.
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facebook.comTinini priljubljeni izdelki 😍 Kateri pa so tvoji?
Oats + Chocolate Whey + Peanut Butter = Energijska 💣 Lahko dodaš še orehe, mandlje ali druge oreščke in semena, kokos, čokoladne koščke.. ter si privoščiš kot dopoldanski obrok pred intenzivnim treningom. #DELICIOUS 😍
💥 DEJSTVO O OBROKU PO VADBI 💥 Raziskava kaže, da tisti, ki so spili 250-kalorijski shake s 24 gramov beljakovin in 36 gramov ogljikovih hidratov po treningu, so izgubili približno 4 kilograme več maščob in ustvarili 1,5 kg več mišične mase v pol leta od tistih, ki niso spili shaka po vadbi. Tudi banana z arašidovim maslom deluje - v 30 minutah po tem, ko ste trenirali, ne pozabite na regeneracijski snack. #FACT 👌💥
Improvizacija na delovnem mestu😁🙈.
Danes dobili EXTRA OGROMNO pošiljko - le kje začeti? Kakšen predlog in kandidat za pomoč? - Trening zagotovljen ;)
Hvala za sodelovanje in kot smo vam obljubili, objavljamo recept za domače energijske ploščice ali tako imenovani FLAP JACK :D Sestavine: – 240 g instant ovsenih kosmičev, – 5 do 6 meric vanilijevih beljakovin , – 5 žličk arašidovega masla, – 40 g kokosa, – 80 g suhih brusnic, – 200 ml mandljevega mleka, – temna čokolada (70 %) Priprava: Vse sestavine razen temne čokolade skupaj zmešamo ter dobljeno zmes razporedimo v pekaču dimenzij 20 x 20 cm. Pekač za pol ure damo v skrinjo, da se zmes dobro strdi. Razrežemo na poljubno velike koščke in po želji oblijemo s temno čokolado. Ploščice shranimo v neprodušno zaprti posodi v hladilniku. DOBER TEK ;)
Vas zanima recept za domače beljakovinsko-energijske ploščice? :) Če zberemo 20 lajkov, ga jutri objavimo :D Katarina Kovacic Katarina Uplaznik Anže Skaza Nejc Pongrac Urška Kresnik Špela Kozan osebna trenerka
Osredotočenost na treningih je izjemnega pomena za mišično rast (hipertrofijo). Zadnje študije so pokazale, da z osredotočenostjo med treningom lahko povečamo anabolno stanje mišic tudi za 10%. Zato bodite med treningi - osredotočeni! 🔥💪
Katarina Uplaznik in Nejc Pongrac na predavanju o gibanju in zdravem načinu življenja ter pravilni uporabi prehranskih dodatkov. 😀 Mislite, da je današnja mladina dovolj ozaveščena? 🤔
Tudi sendvič lahko pripravimo kot zdravi obrok💯 Vas zanima recept priprave?
Nove akcije 😀 👉🏽 NUTREND 100% WHEY 2250g + BCAA 4:1:1 300g = 40,99€ 👉🏽 SHOCKER HARDCORE -20% = 27,99€ 👉🏽 DIET FUEL -20% = 31,19€
Naša Saška, ki žari v vseh pogledih☉. Njena vztrajnost je lahko marsikomu zgled. 👏👌🏻 Vam je všeč njen OUTFIT?
I'm not everyones cup of tea. But I drink protein shake anyway so screw them.😄✌ @proteini.si_slovenija @proteini.si_shop_velenje
![I'm not everyones cup of tea. But I drink protein shake anyway so screw them.😄✌ @proteini.si_slovenija @proteini.si_shop_velenje](
People always ask why I do it. I'm wondering why they don't.💭 @proteini.si_shop_velenje @proteinisi 💦
![People always ask why I do it. I'm wondering why they don't.💭 @proteini.si_shop_velenje @proteinisi 💦](
😈💦 happyyy @proteini.si_shop_velenje @proteinisi #fitness #fit #backday #shoulders
![😈💦 happyyy @proteini.si_shop_velenje @proteinisi #fitness #fit #backday #shoulders](
✔TEAMWORK makes the DREAMWORK✔ #team #teamwork #fun #sport #clothes #premium #casual #sportoutfit #outfit #proteinisi #dean #minea #pink #navy #grey #supplements #shop
#team #teamwork #fun #sport #clothes #premium #casual #sportoutfit #outfit #proteinisi #dean #minea #pink #navy #grey #supplements #shop](
Mmmmmmmm.....which one to pick? ❤❤ #ironmaxx #proteinisi #creme #sweetness #hot #crispy #almont #chocolate #coconut #whitechocolate #delishious #sport #healty #healtyfood #diet #life #goals #motivation
![Mmmmmmmm.....which one to pick? ❤❤ #ironmaxx #proteinisi #creme #sweetness #hot #crispy #almont #chocolate #coconut #whitechocolate #delishious #sport #healty #healtyfood #diet #life #goals #motivation](
🔥👊😄 @proteinisi @proteini.si_shop_velenje #proteinisi #thermospeed #hardcore #olimp #definition #legday #shopping
![🔥👊😄 @proteinisi @proteini.si_shop_velenje #proteinisi #thermospeed #hardcore #olimp #definition #legday #shopping](
Moose juice (Extreme Energy) - Blue Raspberry flavour - 🔝🔝🔝 ✅ ZERO SUGAR ✅ ZERO ASPARTAME ✅ ADDED BCAA'S. Priporocam! #moose #moosejuice #energy #joyful #caffeine #energydrink #healthylifestyle #topbrand #work #sportnutrition #proteinisi
![Moose juice (Extreme Energy) - Blue Raspberry flavour - 🔝🔝🔝
#moose #moosejuice #energy #joyful #caffeine #energydrink #healthylifestyle #topbrand #work #sportnutrition #proteinisi](
Some days it storms, some days it shines. This is how flo(we)rs grow.🌼 @proteini.si_shop_velenje #proteinisi #fitness #fit #chestday
![Some days it storms, some days it shines. This is how flo(we)rs grow.🌼 @proteini.si_shop_velenje #proteinisi #fitness #fit #chestday](
Pure happines of new style and chocotella power ❤ #hot #style #sweetness #healty #proteinisi #velenje #shopping #shop #nicehair #model #modeling #outfit #fitnessgirl #fitness #smile #love #gym
![Pure happines of new style and chocotella power ❤
#hot #style #sweetness #healty #proteinisi #velenje #shopping #shop #nicehair #model #modeling #outfit #fitnessgirl #fitness #smile #love #gym](
I AM BACK! #training #calisthenics #streetworkout #personaltrainer #gym #male #model #fitnessmotivation #dedication #beastmode #natural #abs #sportnutrition #aesthetics #healthylifestyle #diet #proteinisi
#training #calisthenics #streetworkout #personaltrainer #gym #male #model #fitnessmotivation #dedication #beastmode #natural #abs #sportnutrition #aesthetics #healthylifestyle #diet #proteinisi](
Hamstrings on fireee🔥#legday #fitness #fit #proteinisi #gym #hamstrings @proteini.si_shop_velenje
![Hamstrings on fireee🔥#legday #fitness #fit #proteinisi #gym #hamstrings
Hmm, which one to pick? #water #bottle #blue #pink #sport #nutrition #healthylifestyle #proteinisi
![Hmm, which one to pick?
#water #bottle #blue #pink #sport #nutrition #healthylifestyle #proteinisi](
Our sport nutrition advisor @nejc_p representing our brand @proteinisi. #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #sport #fitness #calisthenics #streetworkout #male #abs #dedication #fitnesstrainer #beastmode #ripped #aesthetics #lowbodyfat #sportnutrition #proteinisi #slovenia
![Our sport nutrition advisor @nejc_p representing our brand @proteinisi.
#healthyfood #healthylifestyle #sport #fitness #calisthenics #streetworkout #male #abs #dedication #fitnesstrainer #beastmode #ripped #aesthetics #lowbodyfat #sportnutrition #proteinisi #slovenia](
#yoga day.60. still have to work on my core, neck muscles and endurance. ☀️ #energyhealing #pilates #sunnyday #strenght #rootchakra
![#yoga day.60. still have to work on my core, neck muscles and endurance. ☀️
#energyhealing #pilates #sunnyday #strenght #rootchakra](