Pika, kreativne komunikacijske rešitve
Telefon: 070 670 740
E-pošta: info@kreativne-resitve.eu
Z več kot 10-letnimi izkušnjami na področju komuniciranja in oblikovanja smo sposobni uresničiti tudi tisto, kar ste le sanjali. S svojo kreativnostjo vam pomagamo, da izstopite iz množice povprečnežev in vstopite na poslovni trg z edinstvenostjo. Verjamemo, da je naš naročnik najpomembnejši, zato se vsak projekt začne najprej z vami in z vašimi cilji. Z našimi strankami delamo skrbno in si za njih vzamemo čas, jim prisluhnemo in identificiramo vaše potrebe, želje, sanje ... Ko je cilj ustaljen, se odpravimo delat tisto, kar najbolje znamo – kakovostno kreiranje komunikacijskih rešitev.
V našem podjetju smo trdno prepričani, da z odlično zastavljeno komunikacijo (tako vizualno kot verbalno) lahko naredimo velike spremembe. Z nenehnimi izobraževanji in svežim razmišljanjem vemo, kako z dobro zamišljeno kampanjo popolnoma pritegniti vaše porabnike.
With more than 10 years of experience in the field of communication and design, we are able to bring to effect all that what you have been only dreaming about until now. With our creativity we help you to step out from the average and to enter the business market with your unique strenghts. We believe our clients are our most important core value. Therefore, every project begins first with you and your goals. We take care of our clients, take our time for them, listen to them, identify their needs, wishes, dreams. As soon as the goal is defined, we start doing those things which we are really good at doing – qualitative communication solutions.
In Pika company we are strongly convinced that with a perfectly established communication (visual and verbal) we can make great changes. Due to our continuous education programme and our flexible thinking we know, how to completely attract the attention of your customers with a well thought-out campaign.
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