Description The only bungee jumping center in Slovenia since 1993. High of teh bridge 55 m over beautifull river Soča. Jumps are organized 1x on weekend from May till end October. For reservation you have to call on Thursday on 0038641620636.
In cooperation with TOP Rafting company we also organize:
Excursion with a rubber boat along the one of the most beautiful rivers in the Europe - the Soča river. It will take you two hours to go through unforgettable experiences in the untouched nature. ))
Swimming in the crystal-clear pools, overcoming of smaller and larger waterfalls, sliding along the toboggans, descending into the canyons-that`s all canyonig. Natural sculptures created through millenniums.
If you have already experienced the rafting and you long for adventures, hydrospeed is just something for you. Downriver on a swimming bob controlled by the fins on your feet.
Row the lively rapids of Soča!
Get to know the magic of kayaking and overcome the traps of the rough Soča River.
Go kayaking along the emerald mountain river!
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facebook.comSe vidimo maja 2018 ! See you again in May 2018 !
Bungee zadnjič letos nedelja 29. Oktober. BUNGEE last time this year Sunday 29. October
Bungee sobota 21 Oktober od 10.00-14.30. BUNGEE SATURDAY FROM 10.00-14.30.
Bungee nedelja 15.10 od 10.00-15.00. Rezervacije na 041620636. Sezona se počasi bliža koncu... BUNGEE SUNDAY 15.10 from 10.00-15.00. Reservation on 0038641620636.
Bungee sobota 7 Oktober. Obvezne rezervacije na 041620636. BUNGEE SATURDAY 7th OCTOBER. Reservation is oblligatory on 0038641620636.
Bungee nedelja 1 OKTOBER - obvezne rezervacije. Bungee Sunday 1.October - reservation obligatory.
Bungee se vikend 16/17 september ne bo izvajal. Napovedano slabo vreme in visok vodostaj reke Soče. SKOKI SE IZVAJAJO DO KONEC OKTOBRA. ---------------------- Bungee this weekend 16/17 September will be NOT organized due to bad weather and high water under the bridge. WE ORGANIZE BUNGEE JUMPING TILL END OCTOBER.
BUNGEE nedelja 20 Avgust od 10.00-15.00. Obvezne rezervacije. BUNGEE sunday 20 August from 10.00-15.00. Reservation obligatory. tel. 041620636
360 ....Video BUNGEE JUMPING Bungee nedelja 6 avgust. BUNGEE SUnday 6th August
Bungee sobota 29 Julij od 10.00-15.00 Bungee saturday 29 July from 10.00-15.00
Bungee Nedelja 23.Julij od 10.00-15.00. Obvezne rezervacije Bungee SUNDAY 23.July from 10.00-15.00. Reservation obligatory.