Zumaro Handmade Fishing Lures ZUMARO fishing planet imports and distributes hand made lures for all predator fish. It works in Slovenia and Europe. We represents following producers: MMlures, VB vobleri, Mada, Goran and Piki.
All lures are made of balsa wood, hand painted and testen on wild waters. They can be used in fresh eaters or in sea fishing. Fishermen have succesfuly landed trout, asp, chub, zander, perch, bass, pike, catfish and huchen with them.
ZUMARO fishing planet je uvoznik in distributer ročno izdelanih umetnih vab za lov roparskih vrst rib za Slovenijo in Evropo. Zastopamo proizvajalce MMlures, Mada, VB vobleri, Goran vobler in Piki.
Vabe so izdelane iz lesa balze, ročno poslikane in preizkušene na divjih vodah. Namenjene so za ribolov vseh vrst roparskih rib v sladkih vodah, pa tudi na morju. Z njimi ribiči uspešno lovijo postrvi, ostriže, klene, smuče, bolene, base, ščuke, sulce in some.
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