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- 12:00 - 19:00
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- 12:00 - 19:00
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- 12:00 - 19:00
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- 12:00 - 19:00
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- 12:00 - 19:00
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- 09:00 - 13:00
facebook.comARGON 18 E-119 TRI on bike fitting 😎
And now we are ready for the Test-day! Even TREK is with us!
Last chance to register for the second edition!
E-Bike test day - March 10th Come & test!! All e-bikes will be available for testing. From our Mathitech Alpine Bullet powered by Brose, to the 2018 models of Haibike, Cube, Scott and Trek. Front or full, 27.5 or 29, come and discover your e-bike!
Come & test!! All e-bikes will be available for testing. From our Mathitech Alpine Bullet powered by Brose, to the 2018 models of Haibike, Cube, Scott and Trek. Front or full, 27.5 or 29, come and discover your e-bike !!
New direct telephone number for Mathitech Bike Center Sezana: +386 5 5555 044! Nuovo numero diretto per il Centro Mathitech Bike di Sezana: +386 5 5555 044
How many e-bikes?...They are coming...
It will be possible to test all the e-bikes available at the shop, from our Mathitech Alpine Bullet powered by Brose, to the 2018 models of Haibike, Cube and Scott. Front or full, 27.5 or 29, come and discover what your e-bike is!!
The spring air brought some news: Haibike and Cube 2018 with integrated battery, really irresistible! come and try Saturday 3 March at Biketarget in Sežana. Pomlad je prinesla nekaj novosti. Haibike in Cube 2018 z integrirano baterijo izgledajo res hudo. Pridite na testno vožnjo v soboto 3. Marca v Bike centru BikeTarget Sežana. L'aria di primavera porta con se alcune novita`: Haibike e Cube 2018 con batteria integrata, davvero irresistibili! Vieni a provarle Sabato 3 Marzo presso BikeTarget a Sežana.
Sduro and Xduro, New integrated Haibike 2018, come to Mathitech Sezana Shop and ask for news!!!