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Poslovna cona A10, Sencur, Slovenia



Official Facebook page for Perles, an European manufacturer of professional power tools since 1936.  Partner to professionals since 1936
The Perles brand name was established in 1936 in Switzerland when Rudolf Weber established company Perles AG and developed first electromotor. Today product development and production take place in Slovenia. We are proud that also our distinguished strategic partners, beside professioanl users in the building and metalworking industries, trust in the quality of our products.

Building and metalworking industries
The vision of our brand name is to make it become the first choice for professionals in the building and metalworking industries. The development of highly specialized power tools is provided by long-lasting development experience, cooperation with professional users, and production equipped with modern technology.  

3-Year Warranty
Perles products have a 3-year warranty, which can be claimed when you register on our website  

Professional After-Sales Service Network
We have authorized service workshops all over the world where qualified professionals provide high-quality repairs of Perles products. After-sales service information is available also on our website



Vedno znova smo navdušeni nad neverjetnimi skulpturami slovenske ekipe, ki tudi na Kitajskem ni razočarala in se v hudi konkurenci uvrstila na 3 mesto. #električnoorodje #perles We are always surprised by the amazing work Slovenian team is doing when creating ice sculptures. It was the same, even though there was a huge concurrence, when they won a 3rd place in China! #powertools #perles

V leto 2018 z najlepšim koledarjem...prvim 30 im, ki v komentarju pod fotografijo označijo vsaj enega prijatelja pošljemo koledar na dom. 😃🌟 #srečnonovoleto We are sending this beautiful calendar for year 2018 to the first 30 of you that will tag at least one of your friends in comment under the photo. 😃🌟 #happynewyear

Občudujemo strast in zavzetost s katero Miro Rismondo vsako leto skupaj s sodelavci ustvari nepozabne prizore v čisto posebni Ledena dežela. V Perlesu smo navdušeni, da je del te pravljice ustvarjen tudi z našim orodjem. Več si poglejte v videu. 😃😃😮 We are amazed by ice sculptures that are build every year in a fairytale looking Ledena dežela. Master Miro Rismondo can do wonders with his colleagues. Part of this breath taking story is made with our tools as it can be seen on the video. 😃😃😮

Veseli nas dejstvo, da se naša servisna mreža neprestano širi. 💪😃 Z veseljem pozdravljamo novega člana: Robeks d.o.o. Kolesarska pot 4 Ljubljana-Šentvid, 1210 Slovenija Our service network is getting bigger day by day. Here goes our newest one in Slovenia. 💪😃

V veselje nam je, da smo lahko Danu Poljsaku v podporo pri tako velikem projektu kot je gradnja plovila Wooden schooner Cassiopeia. Naj mu naše orodje čimbolje služi. 😀💪 We are a proud supporter of young Dan Poljsak who is building his own boat Wooden schooner Cassiopeia. Dan we hope that our tools will make your job easier. 😃💪

Na kmetijskem sejmu v Komendi smo se imeli super! Veliko vas je sprasevalo po Perlesovih proizvodih in nasa ekipa je skupaj z vami prezivela fantasticne dneve. ❤😄 We had a lot of fun on expo in Komenda (SLO) 😄😄 #perles #powertools

Perles team vas pričakuje na sejmu v Komendi. Z veseljem vam bomo svetovali o izbiri in uporabi najbolj primernega modela za vas. Se vidimo! 😄💪 Perles team is expecting you in Komenda (Slovenia). See you! 😊 Jesenski kmetijski sejem Komenda #powertools #quality

Experiences from the past, innovations for the future... all to make once a hard job easier 💪😎 #users #make #job #easier #perles Izkusnje iz preteklosti prepletene z inovacijami za lazje delo v prihodnosti. 😀 #perles #za #vas 🌟 🌟

Great energy at our new top of the line production facility in Slovenia. Smile for quality! Odlicna energija na nasi vrhunski proizvodni liniji. Lep nasmeh za najvisjo kvaliteto! 😀 💪 #perles #tools #orodje

Poliramo varnostno vozilo PERLES po prihodu z luksuznega ONELIFE RALLY po Balkanu. #polirnik #ročnaorodja 💪

Nasi Perles pulirniki so poskrbeli, da so se avti na letosnjem ralliju z luksuznimi avtomobili po balkanu vedno lepo svetili! 💪😎😍 Our polishers Perles are the reason cars were always shining on this year edition of the rally through balkan countries! 😀💪😍😎

Timeline Photos

Perles' safety car just visited Dubrovnik with ONELIFE RALLY! We loved the city, but we are excited to see what Budva, Montenegro, has to offer. Make sure to visit us! #dubrovnik #budva #montenegro #oneliferally #powertools #highquality #bmw

Timeline Photos
